man HOA making everyone pay $10k suddenly

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Bleuets posted...
Im guessing its a special assessment fee. Which Ive had when my HoA said they had to fix our roof for the townhouse unit I live in.

my best advice would be to make sure you have a high enough amount for special assessment fees in your insurance plan.
I didnt think home insurance covered this? I am pretty sure I just pay insurance as part of my mortgage and this $10k comes from out of pocket

DnDer posted...
"Or else," can't possibly be legal, even with the arsenal of bullshit an HOA is allowed to pull.

Did they say what it's for, or why there's such an unreasonable deadline with no method to pay it down over time?
Idk lol they're threatening if you don't pay it in their PDF

And yeah its for roof/gutter repairs. I mean its probably necessary and maybe I would have had advance warning if I'd gone to the HOA meetings. But I'm pretty sure no one in the community attends them
(they/them) |
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