Some1 turned the Biden Palestine vote argument into the trolley problem 4 visual

Current Events

So what has the Biden administration done in favor of the two-state solution? They aren't even enforcing the restriction of American support to the Israeli military divisions who even under their own admission violated human rights before October 7. They blocked the Palestinian membership in the United Nations. They have done nothing about the Israeli efforts to expand settlements in the Westbank and their moves to recognize the illegal settlements the Israelis already established as legal. This image is fake, Biden will do nothing to stop Netanyahu's side from killing more Palestinians. He's fine with the perpetual "non-state" existence for the Palestinians. The only way out is for the Palestinians to wake up and give up on the two-state solution, and demand equal rights as Israeli citizens. That'll force Israel to either seriously give them a real state, or end their apartheid state.
Who Dat?