Some1 turned the Biden Palestine vote argument into the trolley problem 4 visual

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legendary_zell posted...
Your assertion is that we don't care about Palestinians, we're virtue signaling, and we want Trump to win. You have no proof of that at all and you can't defend that idea.
It's not an assertion. You just conveniently ignore the literal users who have a history of saying "both candidates are the same", "it doesn't matter which candidate wins" and happily promote voters staying home in roundabout ways.

We have literal users who are doing that and this has been pointed out in over several topics. Like always when pointed out, you conveniently have selective reading its happening.

This isn't the first time this has been discussed on this board, and the usual are well knows by now on making this a single issue vote.

Lastly they most definitely are virtue signalling based on all the reasons already laid out multiple times in multiple topics. Biden or Trump is going to win. This is an inescapable reality. The ones happily promoting left leaning voters to not vote, are objectively helping Trump. There's no dodging that. Anyone willing to not vote, telling others to note vote, or constantly spreading the great word why you may not vote, is indeed virtue signalling. As such an act is in the long run hurting the people they claim to care about far more. That includes, LGBT, abortion/women's rights, and so much more. Including their one issue cause, Palestinians and Muslims as their pro protest non vote hurts those Muslims and Palestinians here in the United States too. So yes, it's virtue signalling to ignore said reality that is inescapable to say or promote or defend, "don't vote" if you lean left, and risk fucking over groups of people even harder if Trump wins.

This isn't about the ones simply criticizing Biden, as that's been gone over in multiple topics as well as perfectly fine. But again, this has been pointed out, and you tend to selectively ignore any posts that goes against the narrative there are users here who are indeed claiming it doesn't matter who wins because of Palestine (one issue voters). Also defending and seriously flirting with the idea that not voting is a great plan in the United States that has 2 inescapable options who will win.