Some1 turned the Biden Palestine vote argument into the trolley problem 4 visual

Current Events

Cemith posted...
No I just want people to be honest. Something some on this board seem to struggle with, it seems. It's also not about the democratic party. If the "Rent is Too Damn High" party was the only one that could prevent the fascist rise, I'd vote for them.

I've never been anything but honest in this topic, on this subject. It's not something to troll over.
So do I, but I show that by criticizing people that claim they will abstain. You only show up to piss on people with a modicum of pragmatism. You stop the genocide by pressuring Biden. Not by punishing every non white non religious person by letting Trump win.

How's that been working out for you? Have you convinced anyone that way? Have you or anyone using this "strategy" secured even one more vote for Biden? I agree that we stop the genocide by pressuring him and not letting Trump win. That involves changing Biden's stance and you can't do that without at least the threat of disruption. You haven't explained how silence and a landslide victory for Biden under his current policy is supposed to stop the genocide. Or how pledging support regardless of what he does would do that either. Care to elaborate?

I'm not twisting anything. What don't you understand about the US electoral college? One candidate wins and the other loses. You know what's on the line if Biden loses so why pretend like you don't?

You accuse me of vanity and then say shit like this? It's absurd. You claim to understand politics and yet people with your mindset are so so so bad at it. You only see what you want to see, you think repeating the same message louder and with more condescension will somehow make people see the error of their ways.

Let's talk about the electoral college then. You can win/lose in multiple ways. The goal is to hit a target number of votes in specific areas that will add up to 270 electoral votes. You can lose when your opponent overshoots their number, and you can lose when you undershoot yours. The overshooting for Trump is probably unlikely in this election. But the undershooting for Biden is a big risk. That's what happened to Hillary. You gain or lose votes depending on what you do and what that makes people think of you.

This issue is the exact type of thing that affects favorability so much it causes a candidate to undershoot. You seem to think the way around that is to browbeat people into not caring. That didn't work in 2016, regardless of whether you think it should have. I think a better approach is to change what he's doing, using whatever tools we have at our disposal. You can think that people should have a different stance, you can yell at them about it, but there's better ways to spend your time. That's what I'm saying.
Great! So do I. That means you do understand the point and are just here sitting on your high horse talking down to people like me because I understand how elections work.

And hey! You addressed it! Nice! You don't want Trump to win so you'll be voting Blue in November. That's all I care about. I don't give a fuck what you say about Biden.

I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.