so the losers alt right brainrot are complaining about games translation now?

Current Events

They're pretty damn pathetic because none of those lines have anything to do with the main overall story plot and it's just throwaway banter. The chuds are upset because they got called a chud in real life and in video games now.

Seriously one guy was complaining about a random guard saying 'sus'...but in full context of the dialogue...he stops himself from fully saying 'suspect' to start a new line of dialogue. But these 'localization translation purist' don't seem to understand simple grammar.

That said...the game Eiyuden Chronicles Hundred Heroes is fantastic, and definitely a call back to classic jrpgs. It's basically Suikoden 6 in all but name. There are bugs and performance issues but the small indie dev team has been putting out patches to fix things these last few days. The recruitment bug, PC monitor refresh/encounter bug, and performance issues have been patched out and I'm sure they're working on others.

Play the game now or wait, but play it because it's a great game!
We still haven't gotten Suikoden 6 but Eiyuden Chronicles Hundred Heroes is finally out!!