VP candidate Kristi Noem killed her family's dog & goat with a shotgun

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Listening to an audio explanation of this now. It's some sick shit. She's a very sick woman. No doubt considers herself a bastion of morality, like every other sack-of-shit Republican in government.

Though listening to the chicken part of the story, I think many rural dog owners would put down a dog for killing animals/property of other people. It was of course Noem's fault that the dog even "escaped" and it was a 14 month puppy behaving as such, it's terrible and RIP chickens and their owners who wept over them.

Also, ALL OF THIS is her fault because she intended for this to be a pheasant hunting dog, so naturally it's going to see birds as something to pursue. For those who don't know me well, I despise hunting unless it's a necessity for survival which it most surely is not for her.
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