DToast on the religion board closing down and future plans.

Current Events

Bladesyphon posted...
Look, I'm going to level with you here - I've had discussions with the age category they're aiming for on this site, and it's never been a pleasant experience.
Just the other night, I had two twenty somethings shrieking at me on the Switch board for saying I didn't want to be play the XBC3 DLC because it's a prequel, and I don't often care to play prequel games unless they're full stand alone titles.

The fact that *anyone* thinks these kids need protecting boggles the belief. If anything, we need some form of protection from them - They can can get downright vicious if you don't like the thing they like as much as they do.

Ah, I'm having Nintendo64 and Rare message board flashbacks. Nintendo fans during that time were incredibly salty that the N64 had a super limited (and lackluster) library of 3rd party games while the Playstation got all of the good 3rd party stuff. They also faced constant deridement from Playstation fanboys about how "N64 sucks because it's too kiddy" Oh, they were also nursing their hate-boner over Majora's Mask because "it was too kiddy" and wasn't nearly as good as Ocarina of Time. Gamefaqs mostly consisted of users between the ages of 13-18 back then.
So yeah, some things never change.

_____Cait posted...
That board was hardly active

I predict that more social boards will get shut down with Fandom using this excuse.