DToast on the religion board closing down and future plans.

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Necronmon posted...
It does feel that after all the stories of sexual abuse and exploitation a good chunk of pepole are regressing to pre 1950's culture norms in some ways of now making it like seeing any sexuality as offensive....in the sense that sex is starting to be something pushed out of site. Just look at how desexualized so many movies and shows are now...we are at the point where even a little sexualization is seen as abuse so it feels like anything that's not a porn movie/ show about sex has become sexless because any thing that even hints at" power imbalance" makes a lot think that product should be canceled.

I mean seriously....just look at how sterile the majority of shows and movies these days are with that kind of stuff...many are afraid to even have romance at this point.

I mean look at how the last James bond movie was with how much they made Bond afraid or embarrassed to even give off the impression he was flirting with the woman spy in the midpoint or other stuff in movies.

It's not just that, you also have the right wing panic over "sexualization of children" (translation: minors being exposed to anything remotely sexual in nature, such as 2 adults making out, and in the case of the far right, being taught sex ed and being told that homosexuals and non-binary people even exist) that has bled over into the center and even left just like the rise in LGBTQIA+-phobia in recent years (yeah, WTF at that). That is not to say that child sex abuse, and even grooming doesn't exist, but come on. People have been making out in PG and PG13 movies for decades.