CE Confessionary - Endgame

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Have you played any VIDEO GAMES lately? Have you ever accidentally an entire cake? Did you ever eat a fruit and it was really good but next time you ate that fruit it wasn't as good and it left you bewildered? Can you lick your elbow with your tongue on your elbow?
oh god oh god that's a lotta text buddy
YESM i am currently obsessed with Zelda totk
NO how the fuck do you accidently eat an entire cake??
YES i ate tart blueberries, thought they were awesome and later tried ripe ones and were beYOND disappointed they were tastless
NO i cannot lick my elbow but I can lick my nipples so that's an achievement too I think

I only remember the taste of human milk because I used to take sips out of my younger brother's bottle. I was a young child and didnt know better. This is why in the past Id write on CE that I 0refer human milk over animal milk. Also im lactose intolerant.
what makes it better, and have you found a new source??
human boobie milk does sound interesting

I am a left wing liberal and consider myself progressive. I've voted for Biden and will vote for him again to do my part fighting against Trump, fully support abortion, women's rights, freedom, and the empowerment movement, LGBT rights and representation, black empowerment, pro-Palestine and pro-ceasefire, freedom of religion and fighting the Christian deathgrip on America, UBI and healthcare for all, free college education for all, and much more. However, despite that, I am transphobic. I simply have not been able to come around. When it comes to transwomen, [redacted sentences explaining stance]. The thing is though, there is no way to express my feelings about this anywhere. No one would ever accept it and no one would ever actually hear me. In a way, I feel silenced. I'm not conservative, I don't want to go anywhere near those who want nothing more than to take my abortion rights away or repeal the 19th amendment. But the people I am closest to and allied with all over social media would drop me and hate me forever if I ever opened up about these feelings. There would be no talking about it, only exile. Then I'd have no one. I guess I really pulled this one from the deep inside lol. If this is against the TOS and you can't post it then I understand. But at least one person on this earth knows. Sorry you had to read this if it upset you.
Hmm. I think the reason it's treated differently that other liberal issues it because transphobia has real and deadly effects on trans people just trying to live their lives. It's one thing to have your own opinion about it, but pushing for censorship of trans voices and people is a deadly game. 99.9% of trans people are not speaking on behalf of cis people. Generally they really want to mind their own business and for others to mind theirs lol. Being progressive imo means that you are looking for progress in today's society, and the erasure of trans people is going backwards, not forwards.
Im sorry you feel censored, but im more sorry that trans people are victimized.

I basically expect to find my account Suspended every time I load a new page.
lmfao that's meee in this topic
Dtoast pls dont take my account
im just a harpie!!

I want to be strong. I want to be feared. I want to be powerful. Do you think after everything, however, Ruby Rose would still be my friend? I've... never had one. She can destroy me with one look from her Silver Eyes. But she is just so incredibly bold with her plans and over and over she just keeps going and going. She is annoying and frustrating but it's also a bit -- inspiring? Sometimes I wonder if me and her are cut from the same cloth, of a same kind. Perhaps in another reality, we could had been friends.
you gotta find her house address and tell her this with a megaphone outside her window
she will love that, cause it proves you're strong