CE Confessionary - Endgame

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teep_ posted...
Come be active in the Turbam discord harpie.
I said hi, now I should be good for the next 6 months

Pororin posted...
HighSeraph posted...
You said you wouldn't tell anyone!
I can't help it- it just happened!!

Basically I was flirting with tiny chad (5'2 gym bro) and he sent me an unsolicited dick pic on snap. I told my two friends, since he sent me the pic while we were on a 2am Denny's spree, and they LOST it. They begged and begged to know how big his dick was. I refused to say. They begged for over an hour; worn down, I finally let them know. It was about the length of his middle finger. Keep in mind that all 4 of us (me, 2 friends, and tiny chad) were ALL coworkers.

The next day at work, they see me sitting next to him on our lunch break. One of them hands me a note. It says, "3 inches." I immediately become beet red upon reading it. My friends laugh like maniacs, this is the funniest shit in the world apparently. Tiny chad notices their teasing and my extremely embarrassed face. He asks, "Harpie, what's on that paper?" I refuse to answer, and try to hide it away from him.

TINY CHAD LUNGES ACROSS THE TABLE to grab it from me. Since he's a gym bro and literally goes to bodybuilding competitions, he wins and grasps the paper from me. Without thinking, he reads it out loud for the rest of our boomer coworkers to hear: "THREE INCHES"

At first, he's confused. What is so funny about 3 inches? THEN, the realization sets in. His face drops. Everyone else in that room starts laughing except me cause I wanna cry. I didn't want this. Then he storms out the break room with the saddest look on his face I've ever seen.

I'm not proud of it ._.