CE Confessionary - Endgame

Current Events

DocileOrangeCup posted...
I'm hesitant to call anybody I'm not super familiar with by their name ever because, even if I'm 95% sure I know their name, I feel like I'll fuck up and say the wrong one.

Also no sorry I sold my last BRAIN NEURON for a large Wendy's chili with cheese and onion.
You ever do that though? Actually call someone the wrong name? If there's lore here I need to know what it is

Wtf you were supposed to SAVE it for later!! Smh and at Wendy's too?? Maybe I'm a hater but Wendys isnt worth ur last neuron. Maybe ihop but not Wendys

thronedfire2 posted...
ok 4'11 is pretty short
but you shouldn't be worried about your belly. everyone has a belly.
some people even have a belly that weighs almost as much as you do.
you ever say a word so many times that it starts to sound weird? that's how I feel about belly now.

HighSeraph posted...
You're itty bitty!

ImAMarvel posted...
Lol we have a fucking womanlet over here
Look at this womanlet and laugh.
Listen here buckos, like I said, I got 6'4 energy so you better watch yourself before you wreck yourselves. With a ladder, anything is possible and I will NOT hesitate to dump fondue on all of your heads

Godnorgosh posted...
I hope he's locked up for life

ImAMarvel posted...
Wow, sorry you had to deal with that. Your mom's bf at the time seems like a massive piece of shit.
Locked up for life? I'll do you one better- he's dead!
Lmfao he passed away at the same time as my mom. It was an accidental fentanyl overdose; their usual crack dealer must've been outta town or somethin idk.

I know it's really fucked up, but learning he passed away with my mom gave me so much peace. I would have never felt settled if she had died and he survived.