CE Confessionary - Endgame

Current Events

I wish I could see Crimsonesss [redacted]
Aaaand we're back to degeneracy

I'm in love with my best friend. We've known each other for 5 years now. She's been married for nearly 6 years. I regularly get signs from her that we have a mutual attraction to each other and romantic interest in each other. She and her husband have had a rocky marriage in the last two years; nothing egregious, just the normal "we feel like roommates" and "he's not romantically attentive" and "I feel like I'm de-facto responsible for more in our shared life than him" and "he doesn't want to go out and do things I want to do with me" and "it's difficult to communicate with him." I regularly encourage her to give him the benefit of the doubt and try to communicate with him in various ways. He's a good guy, just extremely introverted and a bit stuck in a comfortable rut. I think a big reason why she gives me signs that she's interested in me is because I fulfill all the aforementioned roles that her husband does not. But I think if we ever found ourselves in a situation where cheating was on the table, I would refuse her. I've been cheated on numerous times before and I'm not interested in subjecting her husband to that feeling. While I wish we could try being together, ultimately I just want to see her happy and fulfilled, and I think the best thing I can do for her is to encourage the two of them to work on their marriage. I can't talk to her about this because drawing attention to it will make it real and complicate our friendship, our friend group, and possibly stain her marraige.
This is quite a slippery slope you've found yourself on fam. Why does life have to be so complicated ._.

I regret how I ended things with one CEgal, I was coming off of a bad breakup at the time and just latched onto whomever I found comfort in. Hopefully whereever she is, she's doing fine. I fully regret how things played out and how the drama spilled out onto the board.
I'm glad you can say you regret that now. If it's what I'm imagining... yeah that was bad lol

There's nothing like having a conversation with someone and then the other person randomly forgets what the subject is and goes on a tangent. Like you're talking about the birds in the yard and then suddenly the subject turns into (insert random political issue)
This is what it feels like talking to people over 50 years old

*** I feel like I'll never find "the one" and I feel like just withdrawing from society because of it. Whenever I think about admitting it, I hold my tongue because it feels like men can not admit something like that without looking like a creepy incel, even though Im really not. Just really sad and probably desperate. ***
Just hold out a few more years, the ai girlfreinds are coming and they'll be HOTTER than real girlfriends. Really though I'm sorry you're struggling with this

I found the OF leaks of a popular foodtuber and I'm so happy RN
Supporting OF leaks is an objectively immoral thing to do

If DToast was fired and you were given Admin and told to manage the community. What changes would you make?
Reopen ce, and place all the community boards on thee frontpage of gamefaqs to get the maximum number of eyes. I think the community boards being hidden away is a bad idea