CE Confessionary - Endgame

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A duck walks up to a lemonade stand and he says to the man running the stand, "Hey!" bam bam bam "Got any grapes?" The man says "I wanna fucking eat some grapes too. Let's do so without (redacted)ing any dogs in (redacted)."
This ear worm is gonna stick around for a while now... but thanks.. I think?

This morning I woke up and ripped a fart so massive that if I'd lit it, it'd have been Hiroshima scale.
I was confused about those rumblings, I thought it must've been an asteroid passing earth by or somethin

Degenerate here who plays a ton of NSFW games but would never admit it publicly or to their friends. Not sure what the other person's reasons for playing NSFW games are, but I can explain mine. There is a lot of junk for it out there, but there are some good stuff. Sometimes it's story based, other times it's gameplay based. It's your standard game, but NSFW. Maybe that's just nudity (though that's becoming more mainstream these days in some ways) other times it's a specific kink that the game is just tailored towards. NSFW games have always existed, they're just harder to find/learn about if you don't know where to look. They're still games.
Interesting. I don't know much about them because all my exposure to gaming is on the Nintendo ecosystem.. which is very PG
When you say NSFW games do you mean stuff like Dream Daddy?

if people want to see Crim and Harpie boobs so bad they should pay for their OF
now this guy knows what's up
IM CHARGIN $500 a pic, PER each boob

I had a childhood crush on one of my older cousins. Feelings came back after I found out that she was a streamer from another cousin of mine. She isnt a big time streamer but makes enough money to make it a full-time job, basically. So i looked her up. Found out she was doing like some OF/[redacted] type thing but was not totally nsfw. Later found out from uhh research that she used to do nude modeling for a specific website. I subbed to that but all her pics were gone by then. Im not proud of this. If it makes anyone feel better she looks nothing like me since she is mixed race. Only saw her a few times in person too.
LOL her being mixed race does not make it less weird. Nonetheless than you for your confession it was a wild ride

I hate myself so much. I don't know why anyone likes me because I'm a shit human being and have no redeeming qualities.
Well clearly you must be wrong, because if other people like you then that means you're likeable. Now if you're likeable to yourself, that's another issue entirely and has way more to do with your self esteem than your value as a human being.
Why do you feel this way? What makes you worse than anyone else?