CE Confessionary - Endgame

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I've always believed that gender is not about what's in the front of your pants but it is about what's in the back of your pants because women don't fart and shit so doesn't matter if you've got a big black behemoth boner as long as you don't fart or shit you are a woman.

The thought of forbidden incestuous relationship turns me on, and so I ship brother/sister relationships in most media.
I cannot relate fam
My top 2 icks are incest and furries
Sorry furries that you had to catch that stray tho

I'm not the guy who's developing a crush on their best friend but I can sympathize. I kind of don't really agree with the notion that a friendship *is enough*, provided that the person who is crushing has genuine strong, powerful feelings for the object of affection, to the point where you feel genuine lovesickness and it really hurts knowing your crush doesn't feel the same way about you. Going even further, it hurts knowing that theyre talking to or even dating other people. Im not saying that youre really wrong for feeling the way that you feel but being on the other end of that, it can feel lower than dirt having your romantic feelings not reciprocated. I could never understand how people could just accept that and just move on as if nothing happened. On another note, regarding finding good friends being harder to find than good partners, I dont find that to be true at all. I do not have many good friends nor have I ever really had a lot. However, I have found that making good friends is easier than finding a partner, period. I just wish you could understand the feeling of utterly aching for someone and when they dont see you that way, feeling like your heart hurts so badly, that you cant be around them as much.
But what is it that you're missing, exactly? What exactly is hurting you so much to not have? This is a genuine question btw.

I think it really depends on the person. For me, finding a partner is definitely easier than a best friend. I'll be honest though, It could be due to how I categorize a partner. I really do envy people who say that they're dating/married their best friend, because that's never happened to me.
I've been in a serious relationship twice. Sure, we were definitely friends at the time, and we got along great (clearly or we wouldn't have been dating lol). However, I've never dated someone I've really connected to on the same level as a best friend.
So because of that, I think finding a partner is easier. Connecting with someone on that level, at least for me, is extremely rare.

When I was 15 I had this girlfriend and I went round to her house and her mom straight up asked me what I was intending to do and I was just like "Ma'am. Do you have a dog? Cause if so I'd [redacted]"
What monstrosity have I started

I slept with my 4th cousin many years ago, we briefly dated too. She was pretty hot and i had a crush on her when we were younger in our teen years. I figured it wasnt a big deal because it was down the line
Surely no one else in your family knew right?

Furry Danganronpa writer here again. I just wanted to assure you that at no point in the story does anybody [redacted] a dog in [redacted]. There is, however, a very angry and gay rabbit that flirts with an anxiety-ridden dragon a lot, a mouse with a poorly-hidden robot fetish, and a stuttery, stalkery moth who is very, very into the tiger-sheep girl's striped wool. I got up to where I wrote the death for at least two of these characters.
See but that's better because it's animal x animal instead of human x animal. You should def continue this project, you seem to really like the universe you've created. It sounds really interesting!

A few weeks back I was invited to go along to a church service. Figured I had nothing to lose so I'd check it out. The sermon was actually pretty relevant to me tbh. I went and spoke to the priest afterwards. About life, the universe, everything. Told him how I felt lost, that something was missing. He suggested that I needed Jesus. But I told him no. I just wanna [redacted].
This meme has run its course my friends. IT'S OVER