CE Confessionary - Endgame

Current Events

The mods that didn't step down after CE access was limited are complicit in the destruction of CE and GameFAQs
Eh, they're unpaid volunteers they didn't weren't complicit in anything lol

Hey Harpie, good to see you back and your confession topic too! My "confession" is that I really regret how I lost my virginity, I was drunk, of legal age but very young and it was with a stranger. I see Cemen on the board being sad about being virgins still but I'm jealous of their purity because I wish so much that I had waited until I met my current "the one" boyfriend, it would mean I lost my virginity mid 30s but I would prefer that and if I could go back in time and stop stupid younger me, I would, it's dumb but even all these years later I still feel kind of tainted.
I'm sorry that it was a terrible first time. AND also congrats on finding the one!! However, I will say that you're definitely not tainted or dirty in anyway for how it happened.
For women, we are told that a lot that our purity is everything. My 6th grade sex ed teacher pulled aside all the girls in our class and crushed a flower in his hand to demonstrate what sex does to girls. Idk it's a gross mindset and I think that it fucks with too many people's heads.

So I ghosted someone twice. 1st time was 2 years of no contact after we dated. I apologized about it out of the blue one day while I was drunk. He seemed very understanding about it and we became decent long distance online friends for a few months till i decided to ghost again. I reclused myself again because of anxiety and other negative thoughts I had at the time. Well today after almost 3 years of no contact I replied to him to apologize again and tell him a bit why i ghosted in the first place. All he sent back was "oh ok". I feel hurt right now tbh. Am i in the wrong? Idk if i should reply back to him anymore.
You're definitely in the wrong. Ghosting the same person not once, but twice is extremely painful to the other person. If you want to do the best thing, it would be to never message him again and let him have his peace imo. You're not a terrible person for ghosting, I can get it as someone who used to have pretty severe anxiety, but the act of ghosting is terrible.
There's no point to beating yourself up about it anymore, since it's done, but do him the favor of leaving him alone this time

I am a fairly longtime lurker of the boards (never once posted) and I just have to say that it is impressive how level headed you've managed to remain with all of the stuff you've gone through in your life. You've got a good head on your shoulders and I am glad to see that your life has turned out pretty well so far.
I'm mostly level-headed lol. I'm definitely not gonna try to pretend I have all my shit together, because I don't. I probably drink a little too much, procrastinate a little too long, and have hurt people that I love before. Thank you for the compliment, though. I'm doing my best just like most everyone else on this planet ^^

Pics of Harpie's sister's [redacted]

How ce responds to some cegals is a great example of the Madonna/whore complex and pretty privilege
Can someone explain to me what this is I'm too lazy to look it up

Imagine being transported back in time. Not just a few years or whatever but like way way back. To the early ages of humanity. Or even further, back to dinosaur times or something. It sounds cool at first, but think about it. It'd be awful. None of the food you're used to, not even familiar landscape features, no [redacted], nothing...
The amount of confessions I'm having to skip entirely is increasing exponentially with the rise of the dog meme.