CE Confessionary - Endgame

Current Events

Tbh when you first started posting here (or when I first started noticed you posting here) I found you to be really obnoxious and annoying. I figured you were just another lame attention seeker and drama stirrer. So much so that you even put a friend of mine on blast for something they did. Nowadays though you are significantly better and I actually view you as one of the better posters now. Im still annoyed that so many people on here simp for any female that posts on CE, but thats obviously not a you thing. Thats a simps need to stop being annoying simps thing. Anyway, I guess kudos for you for transforming into a pretty chill poster I guess. Cheers.
Yeah turns out 16 year olds are extremely annoying and I was not an exception.. sorry bout that everyone

If half of the population has VAGINAS, then how come I've never seen one irl? Checkmate, atheists
How often you lookin at peoples junk though??

The person who mentioned Crimsoness is right about the pictures, I do believe she is the same person as her OG account but years ago she did post a very different picture which in comparison to her selfies clearly wasn't really her.
Nah, I disagree. Its been about 10 years difference, and women are also shapeshifters so that helps too

For the past two years I've been having very heavy periods, to the point where I had to stop using tampons because they'd get soaked as soon as I inserted one, so I switched to heavy-duty pads which are better but due to the amount of bleeding still don't always contain the blood, my problem is the blood "fans" out at the back, so for a solution I did what any sensible woman would do and looked on the reddit periods sub. I saw some posts mentioning that stuffing toilet paper into your butt crack can help with this issue, so I tried it and it really did help, I would wear tight shorts over my underwear to keep everything in place. So a couple of months ago I was on my period and just before going to work I did the toilet paper stuffed into butt crack thing but had no clean shorts to wear so had to rely on just my undies to keep it all secure. At one point I could feel the tissue begin to move up my crack a little, I kept meaning to go to the toilet and clean up ect but was so busy I didn't manage to do so for a good few hours. So when I finally got to go, I was very shocked to see the toilet paper had "disappeared", I felt around my butt, looked in my underwear, around the toilet in the toilet but I could not see that damn bloody wedge! I retraced my steps but I never saw it so if it fell out somewhere I don't know where it ended up, I was so embarrassed I can't see how it could have fell out, I assumed I would feel it specially as it would have had to escape via the waistband on my underwear / legs of my pants

When I first got the copper IUD, my periods became more bloody than WW2. I had to replace an ultra tampon + overnight pad every 45-60 minutes for nearly a WEEK. Smh maybe the menstrual cup would have worked better? Who knows.

This is giving me nam flashbacks to shoving toilet paper in my undies right before karate class, since I didnt have a tampon or pad and neither did the bathroom. Within about 15 minutes I noticed little bloodstained bits of TP appearing all over the sparring mat.. I about died. I tried to leave the mat asap but THEN THE INSTRUCTOR CALLED ME OUT in front of the ENTIRE class of mostly 13-17 year old boys
It took me awhile to recover from the shame ngl.

Period products should be as standard as having TP in bathrooms and no one will ever convince me otherwise

Crimsoness alluded a few times to another source of income that made her job borderline unnecessary, and now she does all these giveaways. You reckon it's OF? I know she's talked about potentially doing that before. I love the thought that it is because CE is always so whiny about the unfairness of women being able to make money that way, so the idea that CE as a whole is now profiting on it is really funny to me.
Eh, I would rather not involve myself in trying to guess if other cegals have an OF or not tbh it feels a lil icky

I think the idea of brother/sister incest is hot tbh. Age/power dynamics not so much. I think it's the idea of two people who have grown up together and know everything about each other. It just feels more romantic, like they have a closer connection. Don't actually have a sister of course, so it's purely theoretical.
When I was a teenager, my dad remarried another woman with a son around my age and he was cute asf. He lived with his dad, so we never actually interacted but I was reallllly into step sibling fanfics for a few months there >.>

Degenerate Gamer here again. I'll list a couple less mainstream sites, though I'll caution that the first one list might have some piracy? Hard to tell sometimes if it's just someone advertising their game vs making it available to the users there as the dev vs someone pirating it. I definitely think some games listed there are pirating it (which I don't advocate for. This is just to open the doors for NSFW games). f95zone (possibly has pirated games, use at your own risk) and tfgames (indie developers listing their site with a focus on transformations. most are free, but some are successful enough they are listed on Steam. No pirating here).
Thank you for your contribution towards my own degeneracy journey