CE Confessionary - Endgame

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Hey Harpie, Tails here. I couldn't help but notice the multiple hornyposting violations. Do you think certain users continue to get protection because of their uh, assets?
MY hornyposting violations? SMH there is NOTHING of the sort here noooo sir ee sir! If youre not alluding to me then idk what youre on about but good luck

For a good time PM me ;)

+1 to the list of countries I've pooped in. Today I ticked Poland off while visiting a local Polish metropolis
Wheres the tally at now?? Mines only 2, hopefully 3 by the end of this year tho

I'm pretty sure I've got nut cancer and they're going to have to take both of them :| been putting off getting it looked at so I can sign up for life insurance first
Wtf BOTH nuts?? Ive only ever heard of them taking one, your doctors are so greedy smh
Im sorry youre going through that, thats really tough- why are you waiting on life insurance though? Is that a good idea?

It's a bit unfortunate when you're into something more niche. Idk how accessible Reddit would be for simple discussions, and I don't feel like getting an account there. And I ain't joining a huge Discord server. Easy to get lost there and everyone's a weird kook. I don't even know if I want to talk to someone about it, I just want someone to say "yeah man I watched that show too". But oh well. It's a nice phase regardless.
Reddit is honestly the best website for the type os interaction youre looking for- you dont even need an account to look. Youre right about Discord, its mores a public hangout rather than a discussion that always stays on topic

I think I love my girlfriend, but how do you know?
If you know, you know. If you dont know, then you dont love her

You rock my world
You too bby