Just baked a cake, lol.

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Current Events » Just baked a cake, lol.
Vanilla cake with coconut frosting. Cakes are kind of a hobby of mine. My skill at smoothing out frosting and getting the depth consistent need some work but I'm still very much an amateur at this. The lumpy coconut played a part but my other cakes only look marginally better. But since it's CE, here are the pics:

Or... Not. Since GameFAQs thinks my picture is text and tells me I have to stay under 8000 bytes.

I've been making my own frosting for years, but until recently I've just used mixes for the cake itself, usually mixing some stuff in for flavor. I made a damn good orange cake this way using real zest. I found a kickass frosted buttercream recipe and finally learned to fine tune it not just with flavor but with texture. So on my last boxed cake, I bit in and said to myself "this frosting needs a better cake."

Here's the recipe, if anyone's interested:


This was my third attempt at making my own from scratch. First two were the same (bad) recipe, which I tried twice in case I just messed it up the first time.

This one turned out a little denser than I would've liked, but it actually tastes as good as the frosting does. Or at least, in the same ballpark. Maybe not quite as good, but certainly better than I've ever gotten from a box. :)

Here's the recipe I used for the cake:


I did deviate a little from the recipe in that I substituted 2:1 vanilla:coconut extract instead of just straight vanilla. And for the frosting, I mixed in sweetened shredded coconut and of course replaced all the vanilla extract with coconut.

Should've gone a few steps further with the coconut flavor but I really wanted to try the recipe straight so if it's not good I'll know it wasn't my attempt at customization. I just couldn't resist the opportunity to do a little.

Anyway, I might see if I can find a recipe that's a little lighter, but I'm gonna bookmark this one in case I don't.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
Current Events » Just baked a cake, lol.