Should I buy Fallout 4?

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if you've never played a fallout before, then yeah for sure, it's a good intro for modern players into the series. it's different than the other games, it's loaded with scripted sequences and dialogue unlike any other, so it's more of a 'on rails' experience. but it's still fallout.

if you're looking for something more open and less linear with more choices and outcomes, then 3 and NV are for you. but they're also older, crash often, and mods undoubtedly make them better (but could be a hassle to install).

76 gets a bad rap but it's actually a pretty good game now and you can actually play with friends or other people so that's a bonus. there are a lot of quality of life improvements to the overall systems and it's more like 3 and less like 4 in many ways.

shelter is also fun but an entirely different genre and plays absolutely differently. but the lore is still mostly there so it's nice to be in that world in a different way.

also 1 and 2 are great for what they are but they're very old and the systems and gameplay are very outdated. if you're into older isometric games then you'll be right at home, but if you're not, then they can take a while to figure out. fantastic games though, once you get the hang of it. same with tactics but most people don't even bother (i loved it but it requires a lot more strategy).

Disclaimer: There's a good chance the above post could be sarcasm.
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