Did you know that more people are dying from drugs than guns and cars combined?

Current Events

Monolith1676 posted...

I said when people started going soft on drug crimes deaths went upwards and you asked for proof. So when going soft on drugs and decriminalization hit their stride I provided you proof.

Correlation =/= causation. It isn't the fault of the decriminalization movement that the mostly deadly drug to ever exist started getting pumped out en masse around the same time drug laws were loosened. Drug deaths from everything EXCEPT fent are way down.

That said, decriminalize everything except fent and death penalty for anyone selling fent. I've known two people who fucking died because they were taking what they thought was oxycontin and turned out to be fent. The opioid crisis was bad enough before some asshole decided to introduce Super Heroin in pill form
If it was about babies we'd have universal maternal care. There would be no charge no matter how complex the delivery. But its not about babies, is it?