Best wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.

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Umbreon posted...
No, you talk about incel and how you don't see them as human. You seemed far more interested in mocking and belittling people than actually giving a fuck about the site. You even seem to think all the mods are "CE mods".

I've never seen you talk about the growth of the site, outside of replacing the moderators. Which is a sentiment typically parroted by the frequently banned.

The site needs to be modernized by Fandom? Sure, just surf this site on mobile without adblockers for 5 minutes. Tell me who would want to put up with that. That's your ""modernization"" by your beloved company.

And you and I may have conversations, at least until you drink yourself to incomprehension, but I'm talking about this very board.

You hate CE. The thing you've said about the people here would get be banned if I repeated it here. You're not here to make genuine connections with anyone on this board. You're here to gloat, you're hear to stir the pot, because I guarantee you turn your nose down at the users here too much to make any normal and genuine connection.

Because "user retention", in your mind, doesn't involve this board at all.

The only person you fool is yourself.
extremely well said, yes