Best wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.

Current Events

STEROLIZER posted...
I talk about it all the time. There are damn near 500 topics on the old sex board where I just preach user aquisition strategy.

Your "strategy" is removing anyone you don't see as ""normal"", and given your definition of that... I just don't recall you suggesting anything that would genuinely make new people want to join this site over the modern sites.

People aren't just waiting for CE to disappear before joining a relic of a site. There's no one going "Geez, I would join this site if only certain boards I have no reason to know exists just went away".

So what's your plan for actually getting fresh blood on an ad riddled site?

STEROLIZER posted...
fooled myself into thinking that you legitimately enjoyed our genuine conversations over the years.

You're tolerable when you're not talking about your obsession.

Problem is, that's pretty much all you do talk about these days. That's if you aren't trying to pick fights with people who aren't interested in fighting you just because you happen to be bored.

And then you come in acting like you're just one of the boys. Acting like you like and respect the same people who you called things I can't say here. You don't get to praise the destruction of this site and get to pal around the users of this site. That's not how this works.

Don't want to keep derailing this topic so I'll end with this.

Every bad thing Fandom does? Has your seal of approval on it.

Social boards get shut down? You wanted it.
All the boards get shut down? You wanted it.
Anyone who has their device ruined because they didn't have the good sense to use a adblocker? You wanted it ("Fandom has to make money somehow").

And when this site gets stripped to it bare essentials and gets turned into a tax write-off?

Don't complain, because it's what you asked for.
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)