Best wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.

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Heineken14 posted...
People bring those things up because you are both talking down to others in that you super duper totally care about gamefaqs while they do not and also....

Having a different opinion, even one as unpopular as mine isnt talking down too you can engage and Ill discuss. I enjoy talking about these things.

that very obvious insult to everyone's intelligence that everyone doesn't know your history.

I have a history of being a corporate shill going back to 2021. Its almost my entire GameFaqs identity.

Thats my history. Ive been preaching for modernization, and atttacting new users, appealing to a more normie audience as oppose to one thats entrenched in online culture.

Thats me. This whole Fanom reform, corporate salad stuff Ive been preaching that for years. Thats totally what Im about. Improving the platform, atttacting new people, and making the site profitable again.

That is my history. You can hate it, and if disagree with Fandoms changes, then you should hate. But I mean, i didnt suddenly create this persons to troll yall. This is quite literally my thing always has been.