Best wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.

Current Events

ssb_yunglink2 posted...
Lmao you cannot be fucking serious

You regularly interacted with these people knowing what they were like. You enabled and contributed to that horrible place, and do not fucking act like youre above them. Youre one of them.

They interacted with me, would be a more accurate statement. Anytime they preached Trump or said something transphobic or bigoted I denounced them.

Should I have actually attempted to moderate that Reddit from the get go and curve that stuff before it got out of hand you betcha.

But I didnt have a crystal ball and I dont currently have a Time Machine. I didnt care enough to keep up with their drama, or CEs drama. I just did my own thing.

They were over their preaching conservative voices and raging against the woke boogeyman or whatever they called, and I was somewhere else talking about user aquisition strategy, and user age demographics.

Two completely separate things. Did I enable them through my apathyyea sure. Ill own that. Do I believe in any of the nonsense they preach nope.

Go ahead and criticize me, but do it on my own merit. Based on the things I say, and I preach. Im not part of some Reddit hive mind