Best wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.

Current Events

STEROLIZER posted...
They interacted with me, would be a more accurate statement. Anytime they preached Trump or said something transphobic or bigoted I denounced them.

Should I have actually attempted to moderate that Reddit from the get go and curve that stuff before it got out of hand you betcha.

But I didnt have a crystal ball and I dont currently have a Time Machine. I didnt care enough to keep up with their drama, or CEs drama. I just did my own thing.

They were over their preaching conservative voices and raging against the woke boogeyman or whatever they called, and I was somewhere else talking about user aquisition strategy, and user age demographics.

Two completely separate things. Did I enable them through my apathyyea sure. Ill own that. Do I believe in any of the nonsense they preach nope. When I did interact with them I usually told them as much.

Go ahead and criticize me, but do it on my own merit. Based on the things I say, and zi preach (cuz I do have some very controversial opinions) but dont try and apply their crap onto me. Its lazy. Im not part of a hive mind.
Ridiculous. All of this is ridiculous.

so yeah i created a safe haven for the worst users CE has ever seen, but I just ignored them, I didnt actually support them is a horrible defense of what you did.

Youre calling me lazy? This half-assed defense of your own actions is lazy.

Hee Ho