Best wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.

Current Events

Umbreon posted...
So what's your plan for actually getting fresh blood on an ad riddled site?

  1. Mobile App
  2. Partnershio with game devs to provide promo codes & beta tests in exchange for pre-registration/installs
  3. Social Media Integration, and game streaming
  4. Influencer Marketing
  5. Exclusive Video Guides
  6. Ad Campaigns Paid User Aquisition
  7. Retention via push notifications and membership rewards program
  8. Paid Extroverted Community Managers
Among other things.

Example of bullet point 2:

You're tolerable when you're not talking about your obsession.

Problem is, that's pretty much all you do talk about these days.

Thars true. All I talk about is how a certain type of user is keeping GameFaqs from growing and succeeding. Thats very true. But like. Why are we suddenly pretending that this isnt all I talk about, and Im sudden acting under some gimmick.

That's if you aren't trying to pick fights with people who aren't interested in fighting you just because you happen to be bored.

And then you come in acting like you're just one of the boys. Acting like you like and respect the same people who you called things I can't say here.

How would you prefer I act? Like a troll? Also Im not just going to assume the people Im talking too are the same type of people I rage about why would I do that? Why wouldnt I give people the benefit of the doubt?

You don't get to praise the destruction of this site and get to pal around the users of this site. That's not how this works.

I dont think the sites being destroyed. I believe the opposite. As Ive been preaching for the past three years.

Don't want to keep derailing this topic so I'll end with this.

Its already derailed. I responded to the derailing comments instead of ignoring them like I usually dobecause you were the one who made the comment. Not going to ignore my friends. Ill ignore everyone else. Just like I have been mostly.

Every bad thing Fandom does? Has your seal of approval on it.

I dont think they are bad. Theyre doing pretty much everything Ive been suggesting for years.