What's the most life threatening thing you've endured

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Current Events » What's the most life threatening thing you've endured
And lived to tell the tale?

Bone cancer for me (Osteosarcoma)
Peacefully non-compliant/non-conformist
A few incidences in the military. As a civilian probably a motorcycle accident. I was actually fine, didnt even break a bone but could have easily been really fucking bad if not dead. Just pure luck I was fine.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
leaving the house
Someone held a knife against me once. Ive blocked out most of it, but i know they gave up.
ORAS secret base: http://imgur.com/V9nAVrd
3DS friend code: 0173-1465-1236
I walked through a plate glass door.
Post #6 was unavailable or deleted.
can you please tell us your experience with bone cancer? it seems so fucking terrifying.

as for the thread, idk, ive been pretty safe but my liver will fail at some point probably
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1298321979/image.jpg bustin makes me feel good
Hit by a car while cycling. It turned out the driver didn't even have a license.
I guess random rockets/mortars in Afghanistan.

Really, just driving on the interstate and dodging idiots was more life threatening
I got backed over by a car when I was 8 years old in 91'.

Luckily I ended up face down and it happened in the dirt, with the car's back tire going over my back. (It was like this church event thing and a lot of cars was just park around in the grass). No doubt would have died had it been like on concrete or something like that.

The only thing I remember from this accident was having the entire emergency room terrified since I was pretty much covered from head to toe in blood.

My dad was going to kill the minister dude that hit me from what my mother told me. Took mad people to hold him back when he got to the hospital.
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
when i almost drowned at 5 years of age. kept walking towards the deep-end at a beach because i saw a bunch of people there. eventually the ground gave way and i was unable to float. swallowed a lot of water that time. a lifeguard saved me
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Carol Reed Mystery Dead Drop. He/Him
A couple years ago a giant SUV creamed my Prius in the driver's side. I will forever be grateful for Toyota's safety engineering for allowing me to walk away from that (and directly into an ambulance) without even a broken bone. My left leg was pretty messed up for a while, though.
The food here is terrible. My steak was so tough it attacked my coffee and the coffee was too weak to defend itself.
I had a hole in my lung when I was in high school. Every breath I took was excruciating. When I got to the hospital the doctor said I was close to the air that was seeping into my chest suffocating my heart.
Every day I wake up and promise I will be nice to everyone, then I deal with people at work and remember why that will never happen.
When I was about 12, I was hiking in the woods with my brother when I fell from a rocky overhang into a dry creek bed. About a 2 story drop. Didnt break anything, but I was badly bruised all over my body.

I landed feet/butt first which Im convinced saved my life that day.
XBOX Live Gamertag: DevilAnse33v2
PSN: DevilAnse33
Face planted from a moving van to the street, overdosed on a bottle of clonidine and JD, got hit by a car trying to flee a crime in the parking lot, been stabbed in my right thigh, had a drunk driver pull out in front of me on the road and totaled my vehicle. Im not really sure which was the most life threatening, but theyre all fairly tame compared to cancer or combat veterans.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
I got a paper cut on my finger today but it was from a cardboard box so it's like a really annoying one.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
metralo posted...
can you please tell us your experience with bone cancer? it seems so fucking terrifying.

as for the thread, idk, ive been pretty safe but my liver will fail at some point probably
I was diagnosed when I was 12 ( I'm 49 now)
Had a bit of bone removed and went through chemo therapy for a year until the doctor deemed it gone from my system.
I had no idea what I was going through at that age and I think that somehow helped me deal with it. I underwent a lot of physical therapy and I have quite a nasty scar on my leg but at least survived.
Peacefully non-compliant/non-conformist
Cancer - stage 4 NHL.
Apparently you can go from Stage 2 to Stage 4 in a span of a couple days. Went in for cold sweats and a fever, found out had cancer in chest around my heart after scans and biopsy. Was told was Stage 2. They redid scans 4 days later and they tell me I'm a Stage 4 .

Went through my chemo, never felt sick once.
They'd give me like +10 bags of medicine to take every time. It'd be like bag of chemo, bag to keep from getting sick. And then somewhere in the middle was a red bag that'll turn your pee orange as my chemo nurse liked to call it. I think it looked like a lighter fruit punch than orange. Did 1 treatment a week for 2 years.

almost choking to death on gummy bears and having to rely completely on myself to eventually clear the blockage from my throat because apparently my dad had absolutely no fucking clue what was going on and just looked at me puzzled and said "stop that!"
It don't matter. None of this matters.
When I was a teen I got sick. Went into a coma and all my organs started failing. The doctors at the hospital told my mother to hurry there because I wouldnt last long.

a few years ago a doctor punctured a hole in my esophagus and fluid started leaking into my body. I was like that for almost a week. I was so sick.
when I went into the hospital they figured out what it was it became a huge emergency to get me to another hospital, all the fluid luckily pooled on one area, but they said if it started spreading Id have maybe 30-45 minutes to live
I got robbed at gunpoint
http://unrealitymag.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/sonic.jpg - Your Too Slow!
Number of People Who Tried to Correct my sig : 33
Im a cancer survivor. Ive been stabbed, and had people try and fail to stab me. Ive been shot at. Take your pick.
Almost drowned at 6

received 2 herniated disc at 8

bumped my head several times as a kid on a snowmobile

got very, very sick after turning drinking age (was in no way related to drinking tho)

nearly had heart attacks after deliberately drinking potent cough syrup

nearly pulled the trigger a couple times in my life (as in wanting to just end the pain)

almost fell into a ice hole head first while getting our household clean water

few others but this will do for the thread
41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
Accidental insulin overdose cuz I was half asleep while drawing up my injection. I was shoveling down cookies all morning after that.
Hambo's alt.
Got Covid during Delta rise.
Why is it that the world can't spell "lose" or "woman" right???
I got stopped by cops at gunpoint when I was 17 in Malvern, Arkansas for walking around with a wooden sword. One of them joked about how they almost blasted me in the back with a shotgun.
How can the moon landing be real if the moon isn't real?
Hambo posted...
Accidental insulin overdose cuz I was half asleep while drawing up my injection. I was shoveling down cookies all morning after that.
This sadly happened to me numerous times
Honestly it's a tough call. There have been quite a few close calls and quite a few miracles that I'm alive.

3 separate brain surgeries for 3 of my pituitary tumors

I almost fell into a very dangerous river as a kid and came very close to drowning.

Overdosed, on my pain and anxiety meds twice. Once as a suicide attempt, once by mistake.

Flipped my first car on a very dangerous, icy road. Ended up completely upside down. Was completely fine.

Second cars front right tire completely blew up while I was on the highway and miraculously, I was able to swerve onto the shoulder without hurting myself or anyone else somehow.

A LOT of close calls in my life, and even more miracles. Thank God that God loves me so much, or else I'd probably have died several times over by now. Thank you God i love you.
I do drawings and stuff
Splitting my head. Had to get my skull stapled.
And that blood is so real, because I just can't fake it.
Work in progress bass guitar sound- https://vocaroo.com/17qBOSAFwIfM
Been halfway inside a car when the driver took off.
Been in a car crash where the car I was in was totalled.
Cut my finger with a chainsaw a couple of days ago.
Flipped my car on the highway in the rain.

Was also stabbed.
He's all alone through the day and night.
something where I should have died or at least gotten severely injured was when I fell off a 3rd floor balcony and only had some scratches on my face and chest from the bush I landed on.
also a black eye but that's because I slipped and hit one of those fence post knobs when I was trying to get up.

scariest shit ever and I recommend nobody falls from a balcony if they can help it.
I changed out the element on an oven without realizing the breaker was still on and the oven was plugged in. It was a rental apartment and the oven wouldn't slide away from the wall because of how the counters were built. So I turned off the main at the breaker panel but the oven was on a 220 circuit that was like in the crawlspace of the building and not my panel and I had no idea.

I managed to disconnect the old element and connect the new one without dying somehow, but it shorted as I was sliding the element prongs into place in the back of the oven.

Dumb story but probably the closest I've ever come to dying in an accident.
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
pneumonia at age 12.

My mom didn't bring me to a hospital and I spent a whole week in bed drenching the sheets until I was pale as a ghost and part of my lower lip was swollen and brown with the rest of my lips a deep purple and me a pale white.

My gran was the one caring for me and my mom just said I would get better and it was nothing terrible. When my grandmother brought me to the hospital, I ended up being told that if I had been a day late I would have been dead. I spent two months in the hospital to recover and the steroids made me gain a lot of water weight which I ended up keeping on until I was 20 and lost a hundred pounds.

One of my aunts, who isn't really willing to spend money on her nephew and nieces, ended up buying me a Gameboy Advance and Legend of Zelda Seasons so I ended up playing it over and over in the hospital while waiting to get better. It was the closest I've ever gotten to dying and I think it caused a lot of my issues with my mother until she got cancer and I became her nurse until she died. I think we mended that friction in our relationship. I know I was just twelve but it really hurt to see that she wouldn't bring me to the hospital at the first sign of trouble.

It didn't help that she told me that my dad wasn't my real father but not because he wasn't my real dad but because I realized why he treated me so terribly and abused me.(because I wasn't really his) My mom didn't believe that he was hurting me and she was strange about giving me affection because she told my aunt(my good aunt) that she was afraid if she showed me too much affection that I would turn gay. (thank you conservatism)

So she was hoping that the father who adopted me would be the one who was a father to me but he did nothing to show he cared nor did he teach me anything that would help me.

Damn....this was about life threatening and I went full rant. Sorry >_<
I almost drowned.

I was in a swimming pool with my younger, but bigger brother who doesn't know how to swim. He was in the shallow end and my brother and father kept egging my brother to try to swim in the deep end. So he wanted to try eventually.

He went to the area where it was sloping down and testing himself and he was fine. Eventually he went a bit deeper in and eventually, it was like something clicked in his head and he started to freak out in the water, which took him out of control and he started to have trouble staying above the water. My family started yelling at me to go to try to help him, so I did. Once I got there, he was freaking out so much that he was way way too strong for me, and was starting to push me under water. I for a while, became a buoy for him while my mother yelled for my father and brother to 'jump in and save him' to which they both threw their phones and wallets and did so.

I was breathing in a combination of water and air for a good minute. But if my brother and father didn't jump in, I'd probably be dead due to my brother's freakout. But of course, I wouldn't have been in that situation had he not been egged on to go to the deep end in the beginning.
Obese over 40, heart attack or aneurysm could strike at any time.
I drowned when I was 10.
If you're not smart enough to survive, you are basically just food for something smarter.
Crazy stories people.
Thanks for sharing them
Peacefully non-compliant/non-conformist
Stabbed and shot (two separate occasions years apart)
S / K / Y / N / E
bknight posted...
Obese over 40

i'm destined for that unfortunately.

bad habit with the soda (3 cans a day).

at this point as long as i have a roof over my head and don't end out in the street until my situation resolves. then it's all good (can purchase video games later).
currently playing: crash bandicoot N Sane Trilogy (ps4) 3rd game atm
RIP Sophie the dog: February 2011-april 2024. we'll miss you alot.
Almost getting hit by a train, due to own stupidity.
Was walking along double set of tracks (was walking on M1, the left side set), and heard a train horn behind me. At first, I didn't think much of it, thinking it would be on the other set. But something in the back of my mind started shouting "GET THE F OFF THE TRACKS RIGHT NOW!". So I moved off the tracks, and not ten seconds later, a commuter train goes roaring past me on the tracks I had been walking on. I spent about the next five minutes hunched over, trying not to piss my pants in shock and fear.
Insert some witty line here
Childhood leukemia
As a kid, I stuck a piece of metal into an electrical socket. It blew a fuse.
I hate Earth! It's a horrible home! People are stupid!" ~ Korvo (this is how I really feel now)
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Current Events » What's the most life threatening thing you've endured