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Umbreon posted...
Intent is irrelevant.

Okay. Still cant just accept and take responsibility for an intent that isnt mine.

You allowed it to happen.

You need to be more specific here. Because I didnt allow it to happen because I supported it, I allowed it to happen by being a shitty mod. Thats where the intent comes in.

Ill apologize for being a shitty mod, and for alllowing that place to fester to the point it did. I apologize for offloading it to Tails in the summer of 2023 to try and rid myself of its stench instead of actually doing something about it.

I apologize that by the time I was able to get the sub back and clean it up that those folks had already formed a cabal that led to the creation of deathmatch.

I apologize for not doing more work to get tails removed from the mod list when I did come back to clean the place up, because the guy ended up taking over the sub after so cleaned it up because he wanted deathmatch 2.0 my apathetic nature allowed that to happen as well. First time Im apologizing for that I think, but its true.

If not for me deathmatch wouldnt exist, and that stupid banner party probably never would have happened. Fandom wouldnt have been harassed. Those are things that occurred because I was an apathetic moderator.

I apologize for all of that.

Frankenstein isn't absolved of what his monster does because he lost control of it. It's still a monster of his design.

Thats true. But trying to force him to say I agree and support the carnage my monster has created isnt right either.

If its not true its not true. Intent doesnt matter when it comes to consequences of outcomes, but it matters when it comes to consequence of character, and how you interact with someone going forward.

It doesnt even mean you have to forgive that person, but you can still recognize the lit intentions. Trying to prove their something that they arentwhats the point?

I cant just pretend to adopt some malicious intent just because Im sorry and apologetic for the outcomes.