Imagine a movie about a criminal Deicide trial (killing a god)

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Current Events » Imagine a movie about a criminal Deicide trial (killing a god)
Movie is set in the aftermath of some Shin Megami Tensei style jrpg story. Someone battled God in a final showdown and God lost. Then the main character is charged with God's murder. Movie would be a legal drama about the trial
I'd watch the movie about the dude killing god, but not the following legal battles.
"To be, or not to be - there is no such question. To be! But to be what...?"
FFBE friend ID - 432.640.287 - nekrodev
Starring Glen Benton
Pero no te importa
I watched a video about Grover from Sesame Street on some mad quest to kill God, only for it to get completely weird towards the end.
"We're going to shake things up, Morgan. Like old times." -- Alex Yu, Prey (2017)
Current Events » Imagine a movie about a criminal Deicide trial (killing a god)