Started using Reddit a bit. It's weird.

Current Events

Current Events » Started using Reddit a bit. It's weird.
Had a topic that got some down votes, but the messages in the topic that echoed it were all getting up votes. I guess people who didn't like the topic just down voted it, while the people that liked it engaged. I don't think I like an up/down vote system in a forum. Seems like an extra layer of bs to deal with.
Carpe petat
Don't like that a serious topic instead of having discussion about it will have a funny comment upvoted to the moon and 100 comments lol ing at it.
Sigs are rather pointless, except if it's to showcase animation and images.
When you realise 80% of users on Reddit are either bots or people engaged in brigading it makes a lot more sense.

Yeah their karma system seems kinda inefficient. Can't deny that I've been spending more and more time there though, considering the communities for some games I really like are practically dead here but alive and kicking on Reddit.
One time, CE triggered me so hard with their objectively wrong opinions that I accidentally punched myself in the balls.
Good rule of thumb is a user who has massive post karma and low comment karma is probably a bot. They make quick win posts on places like /r/cats upvote if my cat is cute and then get a load of karma to seem legit.

Also account that are 10+ years old with only one or two posts who have started posting solely on politically charged issues. Probably a bot / paid troll as well.
This all seems like a lot.
I just wanna have some discussion.
Carpe petat
Reddit is good for sharing information about a specific topic or game, but the upvote system and nested conversation structures are garbage.
"I'd rather betray the world than let the world betray me." -Cao Cao
DuneMan posted...
Reddit is good for sharing information about a specific topic or game, but the upvote system and nested conversation structures are garbage.
Yeah it's really bad and all anybody cares about is getting likes with funny one liners. There are a few subs I visit for interesting or useful info, but only one sub that I go to regularly.
"It's Dyin' time."
Captain Bruce Diehard, Die Hard
People down vote threads because you are viewed as competition to their threads. Its a messed up place.

But we're dying. Discord is ok if you like private chat, but not topics. (Doesn't matter if it's set to the topics setting) Facebookers tend to be 95% braindead. Twitter is filling up with Nazis. Other forums are deader.

Reddit last man standing.
Also, the basic idea of karma is to surface things the community finds fun, and bury things it doesn't.

It kinda does and doesn't work, but comes with its own costs, vs typical forum structures, like flat threads or tree branching. (Like hive minds or disjointed discussion)
I wouldnt care to much about the votes as long as you connect and read it

a bunch of college students just enjoying conversations and relating is as far as Ill see it
41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
The does vote system on Reddit just sucks. You can literally be on Pizza Forum asking question about the pepperoni, have a conversation about pepperoni in the comments, and some how still get down voted to hell.
Biden is the greatest President ever.
Cant pinch and zoom fuck that and these eyes
Reddit unfortunately encourages echo chambers. There are very few neutral subs and they're all smaller. And it isn't just news or politics, literally a gaming sub will have certain group opinions you either share and get a bunch of upvotes or get mass downvoted for having.

The voting system is theoretically supposed to be quality of the post and not I agree/disagree. But in practice it's just the latter. I used to try to help people on the Learn Japanese subreddit, but a lot of fluent speakers would get downvoted for sharing objective stuff by people who literally studied for like a week (Dunning Kruger effect). Just not a good system unfortunately.

It's also one of the most botted sites on the internet. Fake accounts, upvote manipulation, tons of it. Moderation is also completely up to a given sub and can be completely unhinged or just automated by bots.
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
I think the biggest thing about Reddit that drives me nuts are the super cringy one liners and their chain of annoying one liner responses that usually follow. Just the absolute unfunniest cheesy shit youll ever read in your life, that gets upvoted like crazy because people think they are so clever and witty.
DavidZ2844 posted...
I think the biggest thing about Reddit that drives me nuts are the super cringy one liners and their chain of annoying one liner responses that usually follow. Just the absolute unfunniest cheesy shit youll ever read in your life, that gets upvoted like crazy because people think they are so clever and witty.

It's literally the same shit over and over too. Like somehow every time hundreds of people are seeing it for the first time?
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
I am banned from all of Reddit and as of now have never made a new account because I hate it there and cannot participate without eventually hitting a breaking point and going to a random sub to say something disgustingly edgy.
Anyone who doesn't agree is part of the problem.
DavidZ2844 posted...
I think the biggest thing about Reddit that drives me nuts are the super cringy one liners and their chain of annoying one liner responses that usually follow. Just the absolute unfunniest cheesy shit youll ever read in your life, that gets upvoted like crazy because people think they are so clever and witty.
I choose this guy's wife.
Let's make biscuits!
Solid_Sonic posted...
I am banned from all of Reddit and as of now have never made a new account because I hate it there and cannot participate without eventually hitting a breaking point and going to a random sub to say something disgustingly edgy.
Well, that's not a shocker.
This signature is not political.
I thought you would appreciate my honesty.
Anyone who doesn't agree is part of the problem.
OriginalPlain2 posted...
a bunch of college students just enjoying conversations and relating is as far as Ill see it

Sure, if it was still 2009 and not 2024.

Reddit Is predominately made up of millennials, gen x, and bots.

The site has gotten very stale.
This signature is not political.
People talking about the crappy Reddit one liners like GameFAQs doesn't have Man Fan, and multiple others.
"No. I'm a man so theyll get me a full size McDouble." - DuncanWii
WrkHrdPlayHrdr posted...
Man Fan

Bro. That's CE's UNESCO certified Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
DuneMan posted...
Reddit is good for sharing information about a specific topic or game, but the upvote system and nested conversation structures are garbage.

That and how many subs only allow questions in their questions megathread pinned at the top. One where few people actually look through and your post gets lost pretty quick unless the sub is dead. Why are there so many subs with that requirement?!
The Official Odin of the Shin Megami Tensei IV board.
"You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me."
Also you have a lot of subs that are rendered useless due to low effort meme posts, literally a picture of a thing they bought, and pretending to discover some hidden gem that everyone knows and loves.
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
DavidZ2844 posted...
I think the biggest thing about Reddit that drives me nuts are the super cringy one liners and their chain of annoying one liner responses that usually follow. Just the absolute unfunniest cheesy shit youll ever read in your life, that gets upvoted like crazy because people think they are so clever and witty.

Yep, that's one reason I try to avoid the mainstream subs.
Reddit is pretty good if you manage to curate it properly. My feed is filled with mostly niche subs that have actual thoughtful discussion on them and arent filled with the annoying stuff people have mentioned here like endlessly repeated jokes. I try browsing r/all every once in a while and wonder how I ever became attracted to the site in the first place.
"It's a simple question, Doctor: would you eat the Moon if it were made of ribs?"
DuneMan posted...
Reddit is good for sharing information about a specific topic or game, but the upvote system and nested conversation structures are garbage.
This. Go to reddit for information or answers to questions. Don't go to share opinions, because the down/upvote system which is meant to fish out trolls will just be used to put out hot takes.

Notti posted...
But we're dying. Discord is ok if you like private chat, but not topics. (Doesn't matter if it's set to the topics setting) Facebookers tend to be 95% braindead. Twitter is filling up with Nazis. Other forums are deader.
Discord is an unorganized mess where you can discuss things but trying to channel a school of thought is very ostracizing. The ability to create topics would be so nice lol can't just bring up the shifting values of a game's dev company over time mid-conversation.

Facebook is casual heavy but once in a while you'll find a good group. The Switchposting group has comedic value on par with this website, I'd say. A lot of groups also have the ability to post anonymously, if you don't wanna link your personal information with your controversial video game posts

Twitter is always angry or looking to be upset about something. It's hard to discuss there, either 0 traction or too much.

It kinda sucks. GameFAQs is dwindling but most message boards are. Something I'll really miss about this website is how well documented thoughts and feelings were about games/news past.
SC: 0538-3466-8693
DavidZ2844 posted...
I think the biggest thing about Reddit that drives me nuts are the super cringy one liners and their chain of annoying one liner responses that usually follow. Just the absolute unfunniest cheesy shit youll ever read in your life, that gets upvoted like crazy because people think they are so clever and witty.

People love understanding references. As long as they "get it," they think it's the best thing ever because it makes them feel smart and/or part of the "in" crowd.

WrkHrdPlayHrdr posted...
People talking about the crappy Reddit one liners like GameFAQs doesn't have Man Fan, and multiple others.

Yeah but those are usually a single post or a few that you can just gloss over, not a giant comment chain with 20k updoots that derails the original post.
Bosses are immune to the eat command so it won't be possible to end the final boss fight of the game by eating it.
ponyseizures posted...
can't just bring up the shifting values of a game's dev company over time mid-conversation.
why not?

it's a chat room, you just chat about whatever you want to chat about. and if other people find it interesting they will respond
MisterPengy posted...
Yeah but those are usually a single post or a few that you can just gloss over, not a giant comment chain with 20k updoots that derails the original post.
You can minimize comment chains very easily though
Cleveland sports fan
ponyseizures posted...
Discord is an unorganized mess where you can discuss things but trying to channel a school of thought is very ostracizing.

You can use settings to alter the format to topics rather than a flat chat, but imo, most people who have signed up to discord come for the chat room experience, even if you set that room that way.
Notti posted...
But we're dying. Discord is ok if you like private chat, but not topics. (Doesn't matter if it's set to the topics setting) Facebookers tend to be 95% braindead. Twitter is filling up with Nazis. Other forums are deader.

Really kinda sucks that there's nowhere left on the internet to go for half-decent conversations

Social media REALLY fucked things up. Give me classic forums/message boards any day...
Do not write in this space.
ssjevot posted...
And it isn't just news or politics, literally a gaming sub will have certain group opinions you either share and get a bunch of upvotes or get mass downvoted for having.
Yeeeeep. Try describing TotK as anything better than used tub water on the Zelda subs (including r/TrueZelda, a subreddit that claims to have been made for more serious and civil discussions) and watch as you've just enacted a ceiling of 0 points for your thread or comment.

It's just social media in the guise of a forum.
You felt your sins weighing on your neck.
Reddit can be alright but pretty fucking awful too.

The voting system is fucking stupid, I feel like if you're going to downvote something then you should have to comment why you don't agree with what someone said.

Reddit can be a good source of information and fun as long as you're in good subs.

The moderating is trash, worse than here actually.

Got permanently banned from the Scream sub because I made a comment how an actress from Scream 4 is a horrible person and a transphobe but the mods weren't having none of it, banned from the Chucky sub for calling out the mods doing a shit job at enforcing the rules.

Stay away from official gaming subs, they're cancer and only exist to worship the devs of the game.

Michigan Wolverines 30 to Ohio state 24: 11/25/23
Michigan Wolverines Football:15-0 ,Rose Bowl Champions&National Champions
Mr_Karate_II posted...
I feel like if you're going to downvote something then you should have to comment why you don't agree with what someone said.

The downvote system is SUPPOSED to be a way to push posts that are actually worthy contributions to the top but instead people downvote things they don't like to hear.

And then when you call everyone out for their irrational downvoting you get downvoted harshly for pointing out how petty everyone's being. This is 100% guaranteed to happen.
Anyone who doesn't agree is part of the problem.
Reddit is not good.
This signature is not political.
The voting system is a necessary evil due to how much traffic that site gets.
You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
-Misattributed to CS Lewis
Would be cool if subs could choose to disable the up/down vote feature.
Carpe petat
People downvote to bury topics. I always hit the 'new' topic option so I see them anyway.
This is where cool people write stuff.
kirbymuncher posted...
why not?

it's a chat room, you just chat about whatever you want to chat about. and if other people find it interesting they will respond
mmmmmmmmmm naaaaah. I'd rather have a topic with 0 replies than witness people literally just carry on a new conversation and act like I didn't post a message or worse

feel obligated to reply since it's a chat and offer a generic "damn that's crazy" or "woah"
SC: 0538-3466-8693
DuneMan posted...
Reddit is good for sharing information about a specific topic or game, but the upvote system and nested conversation structures are garbage.
This. It makes for a poor forum.
PotD's resident Film Expert.
Reddit only has one purpose, but we're not allowed to talk about it anymore.
It can be very hard to have discussions there. You can post something completely on topic and rational, but then get downvoted to oblivion.

Hell, ive seen people posting literal misinformation get heavily upvoted, and then the person who corrects them with an objective fact gets downvoted.
Hee Ho
Reddit heavily rewards lowest common denominator opinions and thoughts. You typically wont get a lot of upvotes for saying something new or challenging because that doesn't make the upvoter feel smart. That's why the things that get upvotes are things that reinforce ingroup identity, recycled puns, pop culture references, and "the most well known factoid about x"

Like on the Presidents subreddit, the thing that gets upvotes is not discussion of some underpublicized atrocity they committed or some program they advocated that's had underrated positive effects throughout history. It's "Teddy Roosevelt was badass, did you know he got shot during a speech and kept talking!"

It's "I recognize that" culture made into a website.
I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
Squall28 posted...
The voting system is a necessary evil due to how much traffic that site gets.

It's indefensible for how it gets used.
Anyone who doesn't agree is part of the problem.
its impossible to have actual discussions on reddit do to the chain posting thing

rather than just well what gamefaqs does posts in a set order
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
Current Events » Started using Reddit a bit. It's weird.