Clock is ticking to fix Social Security; Retirees face automatic cut in 9 years

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kinetika_ posted...
I'm the same, I look back on all the SS I paid in and think how much MORE money I'd have been able to invest with, if I didn't have to pay into that shit

Don't lie to yourself (and us). You would have made such shitty market decisions, you would have lost your shirt in '08 alone.

Day trader mythology.

tankboy posted...
If SS is intended to be a safety net, it does not make sense to transfer risk to those who are least qualified to assess the risk. You'd have people losing their savings in beanie baby futures, and then we'd have to pay more welfare to keep them from littering the streets.

Yes. This. You got to it first.
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3