Memorable video game moments

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Current Events » Memorable video game moments
Metal Gear Solid 3 - The ladder
Final Fantasy 7 - Seph killing Aeris, the funeral, her sinking to the bottom.
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
Instead of hitting the super obvious stuff, Ill go with the intro cutscene in Ninja Gaiden. At the time, this was Oh my god, what did I just witness?!? stuff.
Live action Hungry Hungry Hippos though, now that was a sport. ~Aeon Azuran
When Yangus goes cor blimey
See profile pic
Titanfall 2 - Firefighting between two timelines
Baten Kaitos -- Kalas, the main character, betrays the whole party, including the player themselves (who ingame is his Guardian Spirit who originally objected to the plan and got memory-wiped as a result) .

Xenoblade 3 -- Everything that happens at the end of Chapter 5 and going into Chapter 6.
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
Stepping out of Vault 101
"I will die of cancer before I let another dude finger my a******." - ZeroX91
Yangus never actually says "Cor blimey!" if you go through the script line-by-line.
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
Seeing the Normandy land at the Citadel for the first time.
Every day I wake up and promise I will be nice to everyone, then I deal with people at work and remember why that will never happen.
The opening cutscene for FFVIII.
I wrote a horror novel, called "Spare Parts." A whole damn novel! You can check it out, and other free short stories at
burns112233 posted...
Metal Gear Solid 3 - The ladder
Was that just an elaborate loading screen hidden with a ladder, or was there an actual reason why that ladder took fucking forever? And that reason better not be just to get the player to listen to the Bond-wanna-be song.
Stumbling upon Ash Lake in Dark Souls
Resident Evil- window dogs.
And that blood is so real, because I just can't fake it.
Work in progress bass guitar sound-
Current Events » Memorable video game moments