Words and phrases that make you roll your eyes whenever you hear them

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Current Events » Words and phrases that make you roll your eyes whenever you hear them
Well this is a whole lot of fun in here.
Bethany took my pickles. All of them. Even the spicey ones.
Chadawah posted...
Well this is a whole lot of fun in here.

We aim to please
Do not write in this space.
"Why in the world does this topic have 150 posts?"


http://i.imgur.com/VeNBg.gif http://i.imgur.com/gd5jC8q.gif
http://i.imgur.com/PKIy7.gif http://i.imgur.com/3p29JqP.gif
UnholyMudcrab posted...
"Why in the world does this topic have 150 posts?"


Language and communication are interesting topics that stimulate lots of discussion. Its not some grand mystery
He who strikes with meaning is killed by meaning.
Murphiroth posted...

More often than not it just means "I don't like thing"
I feel like that's almost exclusively what that means.
At the very least, it's generally a negative adjective.

DrizztLink posted...
And I'm explaining why it's different for other people.
I don't think anyone doesn't understand that.

Though I feel like I've lost track of this conversation.
Watch our "BLEACH Can't Fear Your Own World" full fandub:
UnholyMudcrab posted...
"Why in the world does this topic have 150 posts?"


I feel sort of honored it was my post that spiraled into all this.

I almost feel responsible.
Watch our "BLEACH Can't Fear Your Own World" full fandub:
Rharyx211 posted...
I feel sort of honored it was my post that spiraled into all this.

I almost feel responsible.

It's okay, we're all PARTNERS in this crime...
Do not write in this space.
buncha oldheads itt
Kaiser-Mazoku posted...
buncha oldheads itt
And hot heads. A bunch of hot old heads.
Bethany took my pickles. All of them. Even the spicey ones.
HylianFox posted...
It's okay, we're all PARTNERS in this crime...
So you guys are fucking, or what?
He who strikes with meaning is killed by meaning.
Kaiser-Mazoku posted...
buncha oldheads itt
As an oldhead, I will note that I don't have many issues with new slang or new jargon, so I will explain my answers.

"Feels". This term wreaks of insecurity; which automatically makes it uncool. I have no doubt 95% of the people who've said it are men, because women wouldn't feel the need to avoid saying "my feelings" or "I was emotional". The childish tone of the word emphasizes how immature the user is. It's a lot like "preggers", a word teenagers have used because it mitigates the seriousness of a very serious situation.

"Let's Go!". I hear children say this a lot. Sounds normal from them. But every time I hear an adult say it, it's clearly planned, forced, not genuine. Adults shouldn't feel the need to do that. Either you're fake, or still way too impressionable. You're the mom trying to fit in with her daughter's friends.

"Breed". It just sounds dumb. There are a million ways to say "fuck", and you picked the one that makes you sound like you cum in under a minute. Also it's just bad sounding. Like, "breed her with whom, or what"?
https://i.imgur.com/SJyzEFW.png by SmidgeIsntBack
Kaiser-Mazoku posted...
buncha oldheads itt
I'm almost 40, and I've never minded hearing new slang. New phrases and words fascinate me.

The ones ITT that annoy me are trashy stuff or complaints/justification about behavior. "Only God can judge me", "I'm a free thinker", calling anything you don't like "woke", etc.
...I think I'm done here...
Somone should feed all these words into an AGI and have it write the worst story for CE.
Carpe petat
One I see on Reddit sometimes is 'this is the answer' or 'this is the only answer' in response to a completely subjective question which has no definitive answer.
Joelypoely posted...
One I see on Reddit sometimes is 'this is the answer' or 'this is the only answer' in response to a completely subjective question which has no definitive answer.

This is the only answer.

Edit: Why all the downvotes?
I find it annoying when someone starts a sentence/post/comment with I mean.
Obviously youre saying what you mean, its like a really stupid tautology and it bothers me more than it should.
Honey, here's a quarter. Go put it in a washing machine...
On God
Lets Go

People say I'm no good, crazy as a loon.
'Cause I get stoned in the morning, and drunk in the afternoon.
SirEsquireIII posted...
I find it annoying when someone starts a sentence/post/comment with I mean.
Obviously youre saying what you mean, its like a really stupid tautology and it bothers me more than it should.
People only do that to make sure whoever they're responding to doesn't think they're being confrontational. Since so many people get real defensive on the internet anyway, and it's hard to tell someone's tone through text a lot of the time.

Though, it does sound sort of patronizing on the other hand.
Watch our "BLEACH Can't Fear Your Own World" full fandub:
waiter! waiter! more yuri please!!
she/her. trans rights
Bethany took my pickles. All of them. Even the spicey ones.
h23456bca posted...
I like these two.
https://i.imgur.com/SJyzEFW.png by SmidgeIsntBack
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
How quaint.
"Anyways" - I automatically tune out when someone says or types this
Mask off, leopard analogies, freeze peach, and quiet part out loud.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
BDSMKane posted...
Mask off, leopard analogies, and quiet part out loud.

Feeling personally attacked?
Kaiser-Mazoku posted...
Feeling personally attacked?
No. Who are you and why are you trying to make this personal?
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
BDSMKane posted...
No. Who are you and why are you trying to make this personal?

Because it is interesting that it is that particular set of phrases that you take issue with.
BDSMKane posted...
Mask off, leopard analogies, freeze peach, and quiet part out loud.
He who strikes with meaning is killed by meaning.
Kaiser-Mazoku posted...
Because it is interesting that it is that particular set of phrases that you take issue with.
What about the first set of phrases I posted?

FunWithAFryPan posted...
Did either of you notice that, or do you only comment when you want to be contentious?

Two of those just came from the Ann Coulter topic, and it occurred to me that both mask off and quiet part out loud are just memes at this point instead of making an original comment about the words said. The users who used those phrases arent wrong, I just feel theyre overused around here.

Same goes for leopard analogies. Ive seen them used so much by so many people regardless of their politics, its just tiring. Not sure why or when everyone became obsessed with the leopard analogies, but theyre worn out.

I know the origins of freeze peach, at least around here, was during the Twitter buyout. I get it. But as its an outdated reference at this point, now it just sounds like a mockery of free speech, which Im quite sure everyone wants (at least for themselves or their beliefs). Free speech is important, and fundamental, and oppressed voices shouldnt be silenced. So while I understand the origin, its not a phrase I like being used.

Ill also point out that numerous people complained about woke with no one batting an eyelash or posting criticism (due to obvious bias, even if I also avoid it unless in quotes), and there was a whole day long argument of someones opinion on the word partner that was pointless. So Ive explained myself (even if one of you is tagged as Likely alt), and unless you have constructive dialogue in response, Id ask that we go about our days at this point.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
BDSMKane posted...
What about the first set of phrases I posted?

Did either of you notice that, or do you only comment when you want to be contentious?

Two of those just came from the Ann Coulter topic, and it occurred to me that both mask off and quiet part out loud are just memes at this point instead of making an original comment about the words said. The users who used those phrases arent wrong, I just feel theyre overused around here.

Same goes for leopard analogies. Ive seen them used so much by so many people regardless of their politics, its just tiring. Not sure why or when everyone became obsessed with the leopard analogies, but theyre worn out.

I know the origins of freeze peach, at least around here, was during the Twitter buyout. I get it. But as its an outdated reference at this point, now it just sounds like a mockery of free speech, which Im quite sure everyone wants (at least for themselves or their beliefs). Free speech is important, and fundamental, and oppressed voices shouldnt be silenced. So while I understand the origin, its not a phrase I like being used.

Ill also point out that numerous people complained about woke with no one batting an eyelash or posting criticism (due to obvious bias, even if I also avoid it unless in quotes), and there was a whole day long argument of someones opinion on the word partner that was pointless. So Ive explained myself (even if one of you is tagged as Likely alt), and unless you have constructive dialogue in response, Id ask that we go about our days at this point.
This post did nothing to dispel my suspicions.
He who strikes with meaning is killed by meaning.
FunWithAFryPan posted...
This post did nothing to dispel my suspicions.

In fact it only intensified them.
BDSMKane posted...
Mask off , leopard analogies, freeze peach, and quiet part out loud.
Percocets, ya, molly percocets, percocets
I'm the eyehole man. I'm the only one that's allowed to have eyeholes! Get up on outta here with my eyeholes!
One time, CE triggered me so hard with their objectively wrong opinions that I accidentally punched myself in the balls.
People who use lol in place of a period.
Currently playing: Rune Factory 5 (Switch)
Never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.
I'm also going to echo

"it's giving"

Actually, just the whole entirety of Z girls and the way they talk is atrocious

"No because, bestie, if you're in your iconic, bad bitch girlie era then run, don't walk to Target and get this face cream. It's giving glamour, it's giving flawless. I'm OBSESSED."
Bad Faith User
"My truth"
No lollygaggin'.
Your human level has changed to GOD.

No other word gives as big of an immediate "completely disregard this person's obviously shit opinions" reaction as that one.
Currently playing: Jurassic Word Evo 2, Fortnite STW, WoW, Punch-Out, Super Punch-Out
Convicted criminal Donald Trump: Inmate No. P01135809
using rn in place of right now
thanking people for their service
LukaDoncic77 posted...
thanking people for their service
I only say this sarcastically to people Im dissatisfied with.
Moustache twirling villain
https://i.imgur.com/U3lt3H4.jpg- Kerbey
i fucking hate all of the dumb, canned responses people use online

  • *shocked pikachu face*
  • *laughs in ______*
  • womp womp
  • are they stupid?

people love to reuse the same jokes 100x that were never funny to begin with
im gay
"let them cook" / "they are cooking"
"give them their flowers"
", no?" at the end of a sentence
"a lot to unpack" / "let's unpack this"

When you kill a man, you're a murderer. Kill many, and you're a conqueror. Kill them all, oh you're a god.
Myzery posted...
"let them cook" / "they are cooking"
"give them their flowers"
", no?" at the end of a sentence
"a lot to unpack" / "let's unpack this"

that one too
"Roll your eyes"
I took out my gopher-chucks, and proceeded to BOOGIE DOWN!
Best topic. Thanks TC
The greatest rooster you've never heard of
DirtBasedSoap posted...
womp womp
Do not write in this space.
tell me youre X without telling me youre X

LukaDoncic77 posted...
that one too

I've never heard "give them their flowers"

"cookin'' is amazing though.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Such is life I hate it when my mom says it.
"The Future Rules!"
Current Events » Words and phrases that make you roll your eyes whenever you hear them
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