Would you watch a show where the moon has an atmosphere?

Current Events

Current Events » Would you watch a show where the moon has an atmosphere?
Imagine something like For All Mankind on Apple TV, but in a universe where Earths moon is just a mini earth. It has a comfortable atmosphere, suitable for life visiting from Earth. Also has plants and water and animals maybe native intelligent beings (but maybe primitive or at least less than space faring. To avoid questions on why they didn't come to Earth)

Would probably turn into a story about colonization and oppression of the natives
So like the Lunar games?
Every day I wake up and promise I will be nice to everyone, then I deal with people at work and remember why that will never happen.
bigtiggie23 posted...
So like the Lunar games?
Those are just fantasy stories though. I'm talking modern humans in 1969 sending astronauts to the moon.
The moon's gravity isn't strong enough to retain an atmosphere.
Sigs are rather pointless, except if it's to showcase animation and images.
Current Events » Would you watch a show where the moon has an atmosphere?