making a new DnD character: names are the hardest part

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I am bad at names too.

Last character I named was Gintsuchi.

It was named after another character I made in the past.

Which was named because I thought it meant "silver hammer" in Japanese.

...that said, don't be afraid to use a naming style like "looks at the sky" as a name. We are all used to using names based on 1000 year old languages from ancient European influences these days, but this was not just a thing to be stereotypically associated with native Americans. ALL our names used to be like that.

Also, the USA has a remarkable number of towns and such that seem to be named after random stuff that happened to be in line of sight at the time. Like, say, "Little Rock." But then, maybe the same thing is true elsewhere too. I mean, I don't know what/where the heck random french town names came from.

So if all else fails, you could find whatever "knife ears" translates to in some random language and just use that.

Edit: Incidentally, in esperanto its

Tranilo Orelo
So, um, I suggest that!

Edit 2: If you choose this name, you are now required to bribe the DM to play spanish guitar music when your character is introduced and maybe also whenever they are doing something important.

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*pounces* Nyaa!