another failure for musk neuralink chip is causing problems

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Guide posted...
I get what you're saying, but consider that Elon would find a way to take a potential good and fuck people over with it via corpo bullshit. Insulin was supposed to be, and easily could have been, extremely cheap. But corpos got the patent, and for a lot of people it's a fucking paycheck taken just to keep being alive.

So what? Just because things aren't ideal is the world worse off with the invention of insulin? I'd resoundingly say no, it's a much better place with the invention of insulin even if it's entirely too stupidly expensive in the States. Just because Elon is a piece of shit does that mean that human machine interface devices are not worth creating? Of course not. Sure they're going to be terribly monetised for the foreseeable future but the future with them existing is a better future than them not existing at all.

I'm sorry but the doomer is too strong in your stance, I cannot accept it.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.