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I think I have an introlerance to beef. I've been suspecting it the past year or two but im super sure of it today. Rn im a bit itchy and my stomach been hurting all day. Plus I haven't been able to sleep much (only slept 3 hours) because my body feels weird like my heart area feels weird I can't explain it. It's nothing serious though.

I ate a bunch of beef yesterday. Around noon and then ate some more around 10 pm. Damn that was good. I started having my symptoms around 6pm but I couldnt resist another serving at 10 pm.

So now I have to avoid milk, cheese, and beef if I want to feel right. Idk what else I have to avoid now. Ik my dad has a lot of mild food allergies tested by a professional. I'm just assuming things rn but probably related.

I don't think pork gives me this effect. I'll have to test this out later.
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Carol Reed Mystery Dead Drop & Oldschool Runescape. He/Him