What video games we playing on dis mothers day weekend???

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Current Events » What video games we playing on dis mothers day weekend???
I'm going hard on fifa dis weekend, its la liga tots and i want da best cards tbh

The third game in the Ace Attorney trilogy. After that, I dunno.
Hypnospace Outlaw and Advance Wars 2 Reboot. Just ordered Advance Wars Days of Ruin too (well, Dark Conflict, the European version)(Dual Strike is too expensive)
Ghosts are cool.
Mother 3
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey DX.

In Belichick we Trust
Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising.

Maybe some FF XIV.
Planning is the process of replacing chance with error.
Hilariously, I'll be looking after my mum post-surgery this mother's day.

So no videogames for me.
Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things. GNU STP
They/them. Bad faith user
Digimon World Next Order

Hypercharge Unboxed, Content Warning and Lethal Company with friends too
Wild ARMs is still the best JRPG series in my opinion and we desperately need a new game in the series!
My friend is back online after a year so we're playing GTAO.
I'm surrounded
Pokmon Violet. Im pretty sick of the game, but my mom likes doing 7-star raids together.
" Bro Just Let Me Karate Chop You And You Can Have As Many Skateboards As You Want "
No idea, honestly. I've got more I could do in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but I'm kinda over those for now. Might mod Oblivion and finally get around to replaying that, I've still never actually played through the whole main story.
"To be, or not to be - there is no such question. To be! But to be what...?"
FFBE friend ID - 432.640.287 - nekrodev
Idol Showdown. My friends are hyped from the last patch, while I've developed a deep hatred of the game because nearly every single patch ends up nerfing my girl Botan <_<
( ^_^)/\(^_^ ) Maya High-Five!
Binding of Isaac
Combination of Helldivers 2, Outpost Infinity, and Warhammer 3.

Outpost when I'm by myself. Warhammer 3 when one of the boys gets online. Helldivers when all the boys are online.

And that will probably continue for quite awhile.

Another BG3 patch may break the current cycle.
My head's not torn off, my sunglasses aren't broken. Amen, hallelujah, peanut butter.
Joelypoely posted...

What's dat
Final Fantasy II
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
Vegy posted...
What's dat

A Pokemon Roguelite fangame everyone is playing at the moment (free browser game). It's quite addictive.
Current Events » What video games we playing on dis mothers day weekend???