Trump doesn't know how old his son is.

Current Events


I hate our media so fucking much, they love this guy like dogs love wind, they're a big part of the reason why crazy has become so normalized within Republicans, the hopefuls see a lunatic like Trump getting 24/7 new coverage and attention and want in on that so they act just as irrational and crazy and mindlessly cruel as he does in hopes it'll work for them,too and in a sad way they're kinda of right, look at Margere tylor green, she doesn't really care that her bid to oust the speaker failed, she got in news and got a shitload of attention for this nonsense and now Kristie noem is going out there saying crazy shit like wanting to shoot Biden's dog or for Biden to do it himself, meeting and standing up to dictators, being called out on the lie yet refusing to admit to it and just deflect and shift blame then there's others like Tim Scott refusing to admit to accepting any election result that isn't Trump's win as well as Noted ass kisser Linsey Grahm, Pedophile Matt Gatez, Slutty Lauren Boebert, White Christian nationalist Chip Roy, just an endless clown car of nutjobs and people pretending to be nut jobs just to get that sweet sweet air time and attention. I know more republican names than democratic names because the lunatics eat up all the air time, the few times a Democrat name sticks is when they do corrupt shit like Bob Mendenze who is still in power and refuses to resign as Democrats barely make a fuss about expelling him because they need his vote
A worthless existence