Hilary Cass, author of "Cass Review" thinks porn makes you trans

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Current Events » Hilary Cass, author of "Cass Review" thinks porn makes you trans
Remember that Cass Report in the UK that was commissioned? We already knew it was harmful to trans people and our care, but wait, there's more! She's supposed to be a highly respected doctor, and yet...

Here we go!


Ive been waiting for a good chance to go in on this old gas bag.

The gas bag in question is Hilary Cass, titular leader of the four-year Cass Review into the UKs National Health Services treatment of trans kids at trans health clinic Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS). Cass was interviewed on Wednesday by Bostonian NPR branch WBUR News. I should clarify that I despise Hilary Cass for her ineptitude as a practitioner and the thoughtless damage shes done to thousands of trans kids, and I loath the Report her work produced because it is an unforgivable hack job not fit to be used as toilet paper that has still, somehow, become the shining beacon on the hill for every anti-trans journalist across the globe.

Appearing on WBURs On Point podcast with host Meghna Chakrabarti, Cass and her interviewer spend about an hour misgendering trans kids (for a laugh, I guess), and thats still not the most annoying thing about the interview. Truthfully, I dont think I could easily rank how annoying the obnoxious crap that comes out of Casss yapper is, so Ill just sort of go through the interview in chronological order and point out the various things that make it clear the good doctor is actually a bumbling buffoon.

To start, after talking a bunch of shit about whether or not puberty blockers maybe might not sort of possibly be unsafe for kidsshe admits theyre fine for cisgender kids, but of course we must draw the line at trans kidsCass says, the more we can let young people go through their typical puberty the more likely it is that they will make the best possible decision.

A statement so flatly ignorant and inflammatory that I had to go scream into a pillow for half an hour before I could continue reading. Lovely. As Ive explained recently to another churlish weasel, blockers are a typical part of gender-affirming care, and the vast majority of medical authorities agree that its the best course of treatment for trans youth. A highly credible study presented at a 2021 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition found a 60% decrease in moderate and severe depression and 73% decrease in suicidality among transgender and non-binary youth who received puberty blockers or gender-affirming hormones over a 12-month period.

Next, Cass and Chakrabarti refer to young transmasc or non-binary people as adolescent girls, and discuss why theres been such a significant rise in this particular group identifying as trans over the last few years. Rather than any of the typical reasons that people seen as girls might receive medical attention on a different timetable than their male peers, Cass suggests that early exposure to pornography might be to blame.

I dont know what possible link any normal-brained person could draw between exposure to pornography and self-identification of ones gender, unless perhaps you preemptively view transgender people through a sexualized slant, like some sort of annoying loser who should stop talking and thinking about trans people forever.

Later on Cass accuses WPATH and their cohorts of producing guidelines that, to paraphrase, feed into one another in a circular way. She praises the Nordic studies of working from a clean slate, specifically Finnish and Swedish studies, both of which have serious problems: The Finnish gender clinic from which their study was conducted has been accused by parents of psychologically torturing children and asking them deeply inappropriate questions, while the author of the venerated Swedish study has been speaking out against transphobic misinterpretation of it for years.

Near the end of the interview, Hilary Cass advises trans children and their families to keep your options open, and that its not as urgent as it feels. Classic patronizing slop from somebody who has absolutely no idea what theyre talking about. Because of Cass vile, shoddy Report, trans youth in the UK dont have any options anymore.

Prior to heading the Review, Hilary Cass had absolutely no clinical experience with transgender youth. Unlike her, I know all about trans kids. I was a trans kid, I know trans adults who used to be trans kids, Ive met trans kids. Im not a doctor, and I cant speak to the individualized needs of every single trans youth in the world, but what I can tell you is that we knowhave known for quite a long time, nowthat gender-affirming care works. It greatly improves lives, and sometimes it may even save them.

I dont know how these children and their families will move forward, denied the right to express who they are and receive adequate treatment from doctors who should give a shit about them. But I do know that Hilary Cass has been instrumental in worsening their suffering, and I can only hope that decent journalists deny her the opportunity to spread her callous, uninformed bullshit.

It should go without saying at this point that this woman is a quack doctor , however, it's good to have these reminders about why this woman should be nowhere near or have any say whatsoever in healthcare for trans people.

Don't let people try to pull the wool over your eyes about her and be fooled by the rosy wording of the "recommendations" in that disgraceful report.
[click here] pronouns incoming
Is there a reason all the porn topics on CE tend to be political lately. What ever happened to topics about watching porn or porn star recommendations.

Is it the hornyposting ban that caused the other type of topics to not happen anymore?
Hey now.
BlueTigerLion posted...
Is there a reason all the porn topics on CE tend to be political lately. What ever happened to topics about watching porn or porn star recommendations.

Is it the hornyposting ban that caused the other type of topics to not happen anymore?
Right wingers have been very aggressive in attacking porn recently. They've been using payment processors to bully sites into banning or at least restricting NSFW content, passing porn bans in several states, and making bills like KOSA.
"2001 called, it wants it's message board signature back....." - aarrgus
Bat178 posted...
Right wingers have been very aggressive in attacking porn recently.

Just a couple months ago you had these political topics along with the other types. Now it only the political or stop watching porn threads. Im fortunate I go to other forums for the porn niche but CE used to have those types of topics regularly.
Hey now.
They really can't stop thinking of us in a sexual way, huh. 5 says her search history is full of porn with trans people.
Nothing to report here
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BlueTigerLion posted...
Is there a reason all the porn topics on CE tend to be political lately. What ever happened to topics about watching porn or porn star recommendations.
Part of it is because conservatives have been attacking porn extra aggressively lately, but also anything about enjoying porn or recommending porn could qualify as "hornyposting." Nobody wants to risk it, and who can blame them?
man - noun. A miserable pile of secrets.
EXAMPLE: What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!
CSCA33 posted...
Remember that Cass Report in the UK that was commissioned? We already knew it was harmful to trans people and our care, but wait, there's more! She's supposed to be a highly respected doctor, and yet...

Here we go!


It should go without saying at this point that this woman is a quack doctor , however, it's good to have these reminders about why this woman should be nowhere near or have any say whatsoever in healthcare for trans people.

Don't let people try to pull the wool over your eyes about her and be fooled by the rosy wording of the "recommendations" in that disgraceful report.
But some folks vehemently assure that she actually cares. Turns out, of course, that there is a reason the Queen TERF loves the report.
Just because I have 99% of a heart doesn't mean it can't kill me. It's tried. Twice.
My body has a dongle and my heart doesn't care. He/They
I've never had any interest in porn and I'm trans, x.x
I think you're hurting yourself, 'cause you hurt me
BlueTigerLion posted...
Is there a reason all the porn topics on CE tend to be political lately. What ever happened to topics about watching porn or porn star recommendations.

Is it the hornyposting ban that caused the other type of topics to not happen anymore?

I had a topic closed because I literally made a joke about porn & bollywood fused together as a word and had a brief post about how it wasn't illegal in India with copied & pasted information from Google.

They're cracking down hard on it so, yes, you have to find the non-horniest way to discuss it.

Mods: this is a warning to the poster I'm addressing, not crying over the topic being closed or anything
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - allmylinks.com/ivorykingtx (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
BlueTigerLion posted...
Just a couple months ago you had these political topics along with the other types. Now it only the political or stop watching porn threads. Im fortunate I go to other forums for the porn niche but CE used to have those types of topics regularly.
Why would you expect to see more porn watching discussion when all hornyposting is banned
Hee Ho
transphobia is so icky and dumb!

She should try being less of a bigot instead of harming children.
[click here] pronouns incoming
There's been an ongoing trend in anti-porn circles to blame porn for the rise in LGBT people. This goes back to the "Your Brain on Porn" website that was a central force in mainstreaming NoFap. I picked up on their propaganda almost immediately after learning about NoFap but I'm glad the mainstream seems to be realizing the strong anti-LGBT undercurrent of the mainstream anti-porn movement.

I'm not saying that all criticism of porn is anti-LGBT. Just the kind that brings in pseudoscience into it.
Never anything to do in this town.
BlueTigerLion posted...
Is there a reason all the porn topics on CE tend to be political lately. What ever happened to topics about watching porn or porn star recommendations.

Is it the hornyposting ban that caused the other type of topics to not happen anymore?
You have the power to make topics. Stop being a coward and make one yourself or shut the fuck up about it. You people act like children who haven't heard of reddit or any other places you can discuss this
Garabandal posted...
There's been an ongoing trend in anti-porn circles to blame porn for the rise in LGBT people.
It's pretty bare-faced.

They're going after pornography and whatnot while in the same breath claiming a connection between it and the LGBTQIA+ population.

That way, they have soundbites and foundational work done for when they decide to criminalize sexuality/gender minorities for moral corruption.

It's not (only) stupidity, it's active malice and enemy action.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
All you Cis people never jerked it to porn before? Damn y'all have no fun smdh. How do the porn guys even stay in business if like 95%+ the population never tickles their pickle to stepsisters stuck in washing machines?

I post clips of my cool, stupid and glitchy MH Sunbreak and Tears of the Kingdom gameplay here just for fun.
GrandConjuraton posted...
I've never had any interest in porn and I'm trans, x.x
Same. Can't stand the stuff.
DrizztLink posted...
It's pretty bare-faced.

They're going after pornography and whatnot while in the same breath claiming a connection between it and the LGBTQIA+ population.

That way, they have soundbites and foundational work done for when they decide to criminalize sexuality/gender minorities for moral corruption.

It's not (only) stupidity, it's active malice and enemy action.
You're absolutely right.
Never anything to do in this town.
It goes back to Ted Bundy and Dahmer and blaming internet porn for their crimes when it even didn't exist before their crimes. I think John Walsh blames porn for most sex crimes too.
"It was horrible," guard Jeff McInnis said.
"I took 100 naps and we were still in the air."
DrizztLink posted...
It's pretty bare-faced.

They're going after pornography and whatnot while in the same breath claiming a connection between it and the LGBTQIA+ population.

That way, they have soundbites and foundational work done for when they decide to criminalize sexuality/gender minorities for moral corruption.

It's not (only) stupidity, it's active malice and enemy action.

I don't understand the connection they're trying to make though. What does porn have to do with the LGBTQIA+ population? Straight people also watch porn.
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
Miquella posted...
I don't understand the connection they're trying to make though. What does porn have to do with the LGBTQIA+ population? Straight people also watch porn.
You're expecting logic from the atavistic idiots.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
Miquella posted...
I don't understand the connection they're trying to make
Porn is immoral. (This is not a thing I am saying or believe)
Being not cishet is immoral. (See above)
That's as simple as it needs to be for them to appeal to their dumbfuck believers.
Just because I have 99% of a heart doesn't mean it can't kill me. It's tried. Twice.
My body has a dongle and my heart doesn't care. He/They
DrizztLink posted...
You're expecting logic from the atavistic idiots.

Point taken. Really sad how they just invent bogus associations to attack people. I was gay before I even knew what porn was.
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
GrandConjuraton posted...
I've never had any interest in porn and I'm trans, x.x
I find it hard to believe anybody would care to play Fate/Grand Order that felt this way.
Silver_Ogre posted...
I find it hard to believe anybody would care to play Fate/Grand Order that felt this way.
I think you're hurting yourself, 'cause you hurt me
I can confirm she's full of shit. I have never attempted to influence anyone's gender identity.
Trumble alt.
wasnt it just like, a couple of days ago someone was trying to push her report in another topic?
"The hopeless don't revolt, because revolution is an act of hope."
DrizztLink posted...

This is a sexy word I'm gonna try to incorporate into my vocabulary.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - allmylinks.com/ivorykingtx (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
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Current Events » Hilary Cass, author of "Cass Review" thinks porn makes you trans