RFK Jr.'s campaign forces him to withdraw support for abortions up to 9 months.

Current Events

Kradek posted...
There is unfortunately a distressing amount of young people who plan to vote RFK Jr. simply because "he's not Trump or Biden". Those who actually pay attention to his issues know he fits more with right-wingers and is why the Trump campaign has started to attack him, because they're worried as polls show he'd take more from Trump than Biden.

Oh, anecdotal here, but I met one.

Rather, a young (would estimate low-20s in age) dude who's doing a campaign to get signatures to get RFK Jr. on the ballot in Texas.

We had a chat.

Him: "We're doing this because we're in need of a viable third-party candidate."
Me: "I can agree with you on that point, though remember, one, the deck is stacked against any third parties in the first place, and two, the other major one is that RFK is not the guy to be on the ballot."

Proceeded to explain some of the nonsense RFK had said which the guy did concede to. I wasn't mean about it, just being informative enough.
Still might have deflated him a bit, though.
" I will be your superhero !!!"