RFK Jr.'s campaign forces him to withdraw support for abortions up to 9 months.

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UnholyMudcrab posted...
I simply do not believe that this number will be large enough to have any kind of tangible effect

Well there are people who think loss of Muslim support will cost him the election and I think he's likely to lose a lot more young people than Muslims in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

Metal_Gear_Raxis posted...
Voters that stupid wouldn't have voted for Biden in the first place. The young twitter left voting bloc is, unfortunately, one of the most unreliable and useless ones there is. They could do a lot of good, but they'd rather stew in a broth of their own ignorant arrogance.

Well it is anecdotal from various callers I've heard call in mostly discussing the issue, however one was a woman talking about how her son in his late 20s is super political, never missed an election, and this time around he's all "I'll vote (for Biden) if I get around to it" and how all his friends planned to vote for RFK Jr. That was just one example.

However, polling also shows the majority of RFK Jr's Dem-likely voters being younger people, if I'm not mistaken.

BombermanGold posted...
Oh, anecdotal here, but I met one.

Rather, a young (would estimate low-20s in age) dude who's doing a campaign to get signatures to get RFK Jr. on the ballot in Texas.

We had a chat.

Him: "We're doing this because we're in need of a viable third-party candidate."
Me: "I can agree with you on that point, though remember, one, the deck is stacked against any third parties in the first place, and two, the other major one is that RFK is not the guy to be on the ballot."

Proceeded to explain some of the nonsense RFK had said which the guy did concede to. I wasn't mean about it, just being informative enough.
Still might have deflated him a bit, though.

And that's the best way to handle it. For those who heavily follow politics I think they grossly overestimate how informed the general electorate is. Most people who plan to vote RFK Jr. have likely never even heard him speak, let alone know where he stands on the issues. He's seen as the "option to vote for where you don't have to vote for the greater/lesser of two evils", while seemingly ignorant to the fact that actually RFK Jr. is pretty fucking evil himself and has some views worse than even Trump. As the generations go on I see a greater yearning for more than the 2 party dichotomy and a refusal to accept that it's the shitty system this country is stuck with without some major overhaul.

Another way of arguing for Biden is by not making it about Trump v Biden, but Fascist autocracy v Democracy, because if Trump wins there won't be any 3rd parties anyways or even Dems to bitch about.

Justin2Krelian posted...
I think the issue is more if they suddenly lose their job or the father leaves them. I don't know, that might be just as rare, but it seems like more of a possibility than just randomly changing their mind.

No woman who plans to have a child, who goes through 9 months of the effects it has on her body, will just get rid of it for something superficial like that. Carrying a fetus that long is a commitment and demonstrates they want the child. Women who get an abortion that late is because something went wrong with the pregnancy and it becomes a necessity. It's a ridiculously low amount of women who get 3rd trimester abortions because they're done out of necessity, not desire.

FL81 posted...
I just can't comprehend a scenario where a potential Biden voter would switch their vote to RFK Jr. of all people

Well it's happening. Biden's handling of Gaza in particular has pissed a lot of the younger generation off and turned them away from him.

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