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TMOG posted...
Also does it bother anybody else that they keep breaking the Fourth Wall this season?
I'm assuming it's being done on purpose.

Like the Toymaker and Maestro are extra-dimensional beings who can interact with the 4th wall like that anyway, and I'm assuming it's rubbing off on the Doctor due to him being exposed to them so many times now.

That said, Capaldi broke the 4th wall a couple times as well, so it's not really a new thing -- but it does some more plot-related this time around.

TMOG posted...
IMO they could have even kept 13 for last year's specials, she would have still fit great with those stories and the tone/energy they required. Hell, maybe better than 14 did, and we (probably) wouldn't have had that weird "the clothes now regenerate too for some reason" moment.
I mean, those episodes were written to specifically tie in and resolve stuff from the 10th Doctor's era, so getting Tennant back was really the only way that would've made sense.

divot1338 posted...
I felt the exact opposite. He was always so affably clownish that on the rare occasion where he got angry or upset it really contrasted well.

And over time it made the world weary backstory believable.
Yeah, Smith was great a conveying his Doctor's anger and darkness. He put on a friendly outer shell, but harbored deep issues, and Smith portrayed that well. He was also really good at switching between those two facets -- going from lighthearted to dark at the flip of a switch almost.
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