Trump vows to reverse transgender student protections 'on day one'

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Current Events » Trump vows to reverse transgender student protections 'on day one'
This is really bad
Aloc will now post in PG or try
Still waiting for our resident anti-Biden bros to explain how Biden is the same as fat fuck.
FGO US:973,940,202 JP:410,404,215
Resident Europa fangirl
My god, is there anything Republicans are offering people that isn't hatred, bigotry and open corruption? That bitch nancy wanna still go out there and tell us we need a strong republican party after this or that those college students are like the jan sixers?!

Fucking hell, these evil mother fuckers have NOTHING but contempt for the american people and can't even pretend anymore yet our fucking media normalizes this behavior as just a difference of opinions and ideas and we should love people even if we have disagreements! Let's look at everything thus far Trump and Republicans want to do if they take power again

Kill all government agencies that are a threat to a corporation and a billionaire's pocketbook
Utterly gut the law enforcement system so that nobody with a six figure bank account can ever get arrested or even indicted
Fill the gutted law enforcement system with political pawns who as long as they see the person is a Republican to do everything in their power to lessen their punishment while showing absolute sadistic like cruelty towards non republican defendants
Kill public education
Kill all government programs that don't go towards corporations and their owners
Kill all concept of birth control, adoption and sex education
Kill all workers rights
Kill all anti discrimination laws and civil rights for marginalized minority groups
Remove parts of the constitution they don't like or at least nerf them into the group so they'll be ineffective
Make Christian nationalist the only education the public receives
Kill the healthcare system so that it's only for the wealthy
Use the government to exact revenge on their enemies and strong arm opposition into doing what they want.

And much much more, not a single goddamn thing they want does anything to help the people, help the country or even their pawns who aren't rich, yet they bought out the media so their disgusting plans get normalized under "It's just a difference in opinion", "we need to love people who disagree with us", "we need to compromise our stances" and my personal favorite line, "We need a strong republican party" from someone whose been despised by that party so much that when a mob came to kill them, that same party blamed it on them.

It's scary, it's infuriating and the fact we're so close to this reality can really make someone fall to their knees in despair and pray for the meteor solution at times. Especially because even with Trump's defeat these desires won't go away.
A worthless existence
Does this mean that states like Texas and Florida that are currently ignoring them means they get reversed as well? A reverse of a reverse, which means transgender students will actually be protected in the states they need it most?
The ball is round, the game lasts 90 minutes. That's fact.
Everything else, is theory.
AnsestralRecall posted...
i know giving in to despair over shit like that isn't the right move, but its just so hard not to

I feel that. How am I not supposed to not flee the country if he is elected? This is like Nazi level shit.
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
ReiRei89 posted...
Still waiting for our resident anti-Biden bros to explain how Biden is the same as fat fuck.
"Maybe Biden should reverse course on Israel if he wants our votes! I'd rather let Trump kill me than live with Biden for 4 more years! I have no will to live."
Post #107 was unavailable or deleted.
invertedlegdrop posted...
we practice anti-hate here friend...
It's all true.
LSGW_Zephyra posted...
I feel that. How am I not supposed to not flee the country if he is elected? This is like Nazi level shit.
It's very possible that if you aren't willing to commit violence in defense of yourself or those you care about that you should make plans to live somewhere else.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
hockeybabe89 posted...
"Maybe Biden should reverse course on Israel if he wants our votes! I'd rather let Trump kill me than live with Biden for 4 more years! I have no will to live."
I'm still waiting for them to actually answer the question. I know they'll cry about Israel but that doesn't invalidate that fat fuck is even worse on that.
FGO US:973,940,202 JP:410,404,215
Resident Europa fangirl
ReiRei89 posted...
I'm still waiting for them to actually answer the question. I know they'll cry about Israel but that doesn't invalidate that fat fuck is even worse on that.

Yeah most of them have stopped because they are at least self aware enough to realize how bat shit stupid it sounds when they say it out loud that they're super fine with more pain and suffering if psychic democrats read their minds on why they didn't vote and just... do the opposite when they obviously win next time.... for reasons...
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
the orange man is attempting to turn the USA into the CCP.

its not going well for Xi. dont expect much here.
I may look calm, but in my head, I've just killed you three times.
Euripides posted...
Funny how the party that wraps itself in the Constitution is always so eager to take everyone's rights away*

*except their own
Kaiser-Mazoku posted...
At least he was cool with Joe lol
WalkingPlague posted...
the orange man is attempting to turn the USA into the CCP.

its not going well for Xi. dont expect much here.
How so?
Moustache twirling villain Kerbey
LSGW_Zephyra posted...
I feel that. How am I not supposed to not flee the country if he is elected? This is like Nazi level shit.

We may very well leave the country if Trump wins. I have two queer kids (one of whom is trans) and we're not going to stick around to see IF my kids are arrested or detained or murdered
invertedlegdrop posted...
Thats nice, you have a lovely day too friend...
Little too late for pretend niceposting, chud.

Oh whoops, you're already bopped. I'm sure by now you're on one of the chudreddits whining about "views differing from the norm" being silenced with no context given.
Currently playing: Jurassic Word Evo 2, Fortnite STW, WoW, Punch-Out, Super Punch-Out
Convicted criminal Donald Trump: Inmate No. P01135809
Anyone not on the far right is going to have a depressing time voting this year.
This is where cool people write stuff.
3 presidents didn't have a day
updated 5/22/2023
I really don't want to die because of all this...
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
ReiRei89 posted...
Still waiting for our resident anti-Biden bros to explain how Biden is the same as fat fuck.
Hey, everyone, what's going on in this topic? Oh.
Heineken14 posted...
Yeah most of them have stopped because they are at least self aware enough to realize how bat shit stupid it sounds when they say it out loud that they're super fine with more pain and suffering if psychic democrats read their minds on why they didn't vote and just... do the opposite when they obviously win next time.... for reasons...
Its almost like they dont actually give a shit about the plight of Palestinians and are only using them as a convenient excuse to attack the left.
And yet my brother will think of this as "normal" or something that I need to look at both side's views before I decide on my stance.

He's not the one on the hot seat since he's white, Christian and male. Yet he often feels that he "has to come down to level".

I want a new family.
(She/Her) I'm a succubus. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. <3
Video Game IGN: Mystic. Ask me for a joke, I come up with some good ones.
Post #124 was unavailable or deleted.
I get it when someone says "its stupid to vote for the lesser evil" but when the evil is this bad, will you really blame me for voting for Biden even if I'm not a fan of him? Its basically trying to stop a travesty.
dameon_reaper posted...
I get it when someone says "its stupid to vote for the lesser evil" but when the evil is this bad, will you really blame me for voting for Biden even if I'm not a fan of him? Its basically trying to stop a travesty.
Doesnt sound like anyone in this topic would disagree with your decision. In fact most of this board would absolutely endorse the lesser of two evils, because its the better option objectively in such a scenario.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
It is always amazing to me that this much effort is being used to actively and intentionally hurt people who, notwithstanding the power of the state being levied against them, already face poor treatment and danger from a significant portion of society.

Imagine if this much energy was directed to, you know, actually helping people.
Party leader, passive-aggressive doormat, pasta eater extraordinaire!
Post #128 was unavailable or deleted.
Post #129 was unavailable or deleted.
^ I feel like I read this comment the other day. Did you delete post 128 and repost it? Or am I imaging it.
Current Events » Trump vows to reverse transgender student protections 'on day one'
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