Which of our previous presidents would lose to donald trump iyo?

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Current Events » Which of our previous presidents would lose to donald trump iyo?
Like, out of all 45 previous presidents, how many would lose to trump in an election?
The dead ones
Bill Clinton
No lollygaggin'.
Jefferson Davis.
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Lincoln would've lost in the primary if he was still going for the Republican nomination, but I think he'd win in a general election if he ran as a Democrat.
"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
Despite recency bias there have been worse like Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan. Arguably a number of others. They should lose to Trump.
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Bush Jr.
Andrew Johnson
Warren Harding
Maybe Herbert Hoover

PS5s have liquid metal tech like the T-1000- AceCombatX
Game devs don't deserve money- Zithers, in a topic he made on a game site about artists deserving money.
At the time of their election: None.

Now: W. Bush. Nixon. And anyone from a point where rampant bigotry was normalized.
~ DH ~
William Henry harrison
Richard Nixon
Jimmy Carter. But only as the incumbent
More to do with the humidity than heat
Current Events » Which of our previous presidents would lose to donald trump iyo?