rowling is having a melt down over something

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KI_Simpson posted...
There's no way to make her lose her money, and she'd spend the rest of her life complaining as loudly as possible about being canceled (with conservatives platforming her) if the franchise actually lost relevance.
Also they are popular all over the world, and the attitudes vary widely from culture to culture. Some are fine with her transphobia, or even agree with it. Some countries don't know about it because even if it's popular no one is interested in what the author does so nobody hears about it. And in a lot of cultures, people just don't care about things like whether things they buy are supporting an odious person or cause. They just buy what they like and don't think beyond that.

What I'm saying is, expecting worldwide sales to drop significantly because of this is a pipe dream.
man - noun. A miserable pile of secrets.
EXAMPLE: What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!