Crazy how nowadays you need discipline and commitment for clearing your backlog

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Amen TC... Today games that I'm interested in are releasing at a rate that's faster than I'm able to play them. It's pretty sad tbh... I have 2 daughters (4 and 5) and barely find time to play. Last night it was 9pm and they were put to bed. I thought I had a good 3 hours of time to play games. Hopped on the sofa and was sound asleep by 9:05. Woke up at 3am, crawled to bed and here I am now at 8:15...

I'm thinking when they're 8+ years old and don't wanna spend time with their lame-ass parents (us), I'll have time to get back into playing more video games. This could be wishful thinking of course - but hey, I can dream, can't I?