NYT poll: Biden leads in 1 swing state, Trump leads in the other 5.

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Current Events » NYT poll: Biden leads in 1 swing state, Trump leads in the other 5.
Sometimes a bad part of me wishes I was not American and could watch voters FAFO, but that's not reality and there's so much at risk if these polls are reflective of how fucking stupid American voters really are.
legendary_zell posted...
I've never understood this approach of just straight up dismissing polls and asserting that Biden is winning. Shouldn't we all be acting as if it's true and doing what we can to make Biden more popular/get out the vote/figure out what's going wrong?

People are gonna go full shocked Pikachu face if Trump does win by taking the EC as we ignored warnings until it was too late. I feel like this attitude didn't exist even in 2020 when Trump was the incumbent and Biden was leading in polls basically from day 1, sometimes with huge leads. As another poster said, this is coming across as the whole skewed polls thing that Republicans did the last several elections, asserting that polls are inaccurate and that there's a hidden majority on their side, with no evidence.

Recent elections have shown how unreliable polls are as predictors for election results. Since 2018 Dems have overperformed in the polls and in 2022 the media kept trying to scare us, with polls, about an incoming red wave/tsunami coming. And what happened? +5 House victory for Repubs and that's it.

Perhaps it's time for you to stop putting so much faith in polls that show Dems losing because that's what you want/expect from Biden/establishment Dems and look at actual election results/hear from candidates talking to voters on the ground in various states, especially since the loss of bodily autonomy rights which has caused so many upset and surprising elections in various states.

Polls should not be used to predict election results.

legendary_zell posted...
These people are either straight up forgetting history or not living in reality.

That's literally you when you use polls to predict election results which have been unreliable in pretty much all elections since 2018, as the actual results have shown in both standard and special elections (which Dems normally lose and have been overperforming in).

The Dem party as a whole is benefitting from the overturning of Roe because, surprise, people actually notice the loss of rights that are taken from them and we have so many horror stories from the South/southwest which is pretty much all anti-abortion Republican shitholes now. That's likely to trickle up in Biden's favor if people vote straight ticket, which I suspect most do.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - allmylinks.com/ivorykingtx (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
But again, NYT's polls were reliable for all of these election cycles. And both their 2018 and 2022 polls were the most accurate set of any over the past 10 years prior to each. (and their 2020 polls were off in the opposite direction; they expected Biden to do better than he did and Susan Collins to lose: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/12/us/politics/election-polls-trump-biden.html).

There is not a single set where they underestimated Democrats and got shown up. That is a narrative that simply isn't relevant to this topic.

MAGA Analytics or whoever releasing bad polls doesn't all of a sudden make all polls bad. There are biased pollsters and respected pollsters. There's a difference.

It comes off as if people are using the presence of bad data to dismiss any data they don't like in general.
~ DH ~
"The New York Times/Philadelphia Inquirer/Siena College poll in Pennsylvania and the Times/Siena polls in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Nevada were conducted in English and Spanish on cellular and landline telephones from April 28 to May 9, 2024. In all, 4,097 registered voters were interviewed."


4,000 is a large sample size. Most election polls are done with 1,000 or less.
~ DH ~
Diceheist posted...
4,000 is a large sample size. Most election polls are done with 1,000 or less.

I'm not laughing at the sample size. I know how data reads. I'm laughing out how they the data was obtained. Cellular and landline are only being answered by certain demographics of people(Hint they lean right).
Sorozone posted...

I'm not laughing at the sample size. I know how data reads. I'm laughing out how they the data was obtained. Cellular and landline are only being answered by certain demographics of people(Hint they lean right).

According to the article landlines made up less than 6% of the poll. Cell phone is the most accessible means of polling that can't easily be cheesed (anyone can bot an internet poll). Just talking to people in person would suffer an even bigger sampling bias.

NYT's methodology adjusts for the fact that certain demographics are significantly underrepresented by cellular polling by weighting their responses more greatly. This has produced accurate results so far.
~ DH ~
CountCorvinus posted...
Genocide is unpopular.
Then why did Bush win in 04?

Metal_Gear_Raxis posted...
Polls are fucking shit, that's why. Polls are opt-in; the only young people who take them are loser chuds who wanna feel big.

What reality do you live in? Polls were not saying Biden was going to crush it in 2020, and they predicted a red wave in 2022 that failed to materialize.

EDIT: Oh fuck me.


TC's an alt, folks.
The question here is, whose alt? Because this topic seems like an attempt to induce fear and apathy to Biden voters.
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Diceheist posted...
According to the article landlines made up less than 6% of the poll. Cell phone is the most accessible means of polling that can't easily be cheesed (anyone can bot an internet poll). Just talking to people in person would suffer an even bigger sampling bias.

NYT's methodology adjusts for the fact that certain demographics are significantly underrepresented by cellular polling by weighting their responses more greatly. This has produced accurate results so far.

Accessibility doesn't mean reliability.

Modern polling has a lot of issues.

Instead of using opinion polls, why not use actual poll data? Ya'know all the elections that have happened from 2020 til now, where the Democrats have been obliterating in almost every single race, but yeah keep clinging to polls.
Sorozone posted...
Instead of using opinion polls, why not use actual poll data? Ya'know all the elections that have happened from 2020 til now, where the Democrats have been obliterating in almost every single race, but yeah keep clinging to polls.

They do this because they want Dems to lose to "prove the point" that Sanders should have been elected in 2016 & 2020 and that only progressives should be viewed as able to win elections, even though reality paints a different picture. And I say this as a progressive, however I do so as one who accepts the reality of what the U.S. is and that the majority of the country, while supporting their views as individual issues, have confliction with supporting the actual candidates unless it's in a very blue heavy district.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - allmylinks.com/ivorykingtx (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Kradek posted...
They do this because they want Dems to lose to "prove the point" that Sanders should have been elected in 2016 & 2020 and that only progressives should be viewed as able to win elections, even though reality paints a different picture. And I say this as a progressive, however I do so as one who accepts the reality of what the U.S. is and that the majority of the country, while supporting their views as individual issues, have confliction with supporting the actual candidates unless it's in a very blue heavy district.
I agree. There are some leftists who are so bitter over Sanders losing that they'd rather have another Trump presidency just to teach the Democrats a lesson.
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So if we are to disregard polling data should we instead rely on vibes or what people in your bubble say?

Honestly I don't really care as long as you vote for Biden. I don't like him, but you are absolutely playing with fire if you think Trump winning again is no big deal.
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
ssjevot posted...
So if we are to disregard polling data should we instead rely on vibes or what people in your bubble say?

Multiple people have already talked about using actual polling/election results in recent elections instead of theoretical/predictive assumptions, which are polls like this, to determine the results of an election. Especially so far out.

Once again I'll bring up how all of our media and polling kept fearmongering over a GOP takeover of Congress in 2022 with a red wave/tsunami and they only got +5 in the House, which is likely a historical low given the usual pattern where their party normally would win big.

The country is especially turned off by Trump and Trumpism. The fact that the GOP has turned their party's mission into nothing else except appeasing him and justifying his criminality/fascism has done them literally no favors.

If it was one election that'd be a fluke, however it's a pattern that's been observed since 2018.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - allmylinks.com/ivorykingtx (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Kradek posted...
Multiple people have already talked about using actual polling/election results in recent elections instead of theoretical/predictive assumptions, which are polls like this, to determine the results of an election. Especially so far out.

Once again I'll bring up how all of our media and polling kept fearmongering over a GOP takeover of Congress in 2022 with a red wave/tsunami and they only got +5 in the House, which is likely a historical low given the usual pattern where their party normally would win big.

The country is especially turned off by Trump and Trumpism. The fact that the GOP has turned their party's mission into nothing else except appeasing him and justifying his criminality/fascism has done them literally no favors.

If it was one election that'd be a fluke, however it's a pattern that's been observed since 2018.
Very true. Of course, we all need to do our part to not only vote blue, but also ensure that those we know can and will do so as well. Every vote counts.
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Kradek posted...
Multiple people have already talked about using actual polling/election results in recent elections instead of theoretical/predictive assumptions, which are polls like this, to determine the results of an election. Especially so far out.

Once again I'll bring up how all of our media and polling kept fearmongering over a GOP takeover of Congress in 2022 with a red wave/tsunami and they only got +5 in the House, which is likely a historical low given the usual pattern where their party normally would win big.

The country is especially turned off by Trump and Trumpism. The fact that the GOP has turned their party's mission into nothing else except appeasing him and justifying his criminality/fascism has done them literally no favors.

If it was one election that'd be a fluke, however it's a pattern that's been observed since 2018.

That's a bunch of speculation and you're saying polling was way off in those elections when it wasn't. Everything fell within the margin of error on unbiased polls (obviously conservative propaganda polls don't count). Polls this election show a cointoss between the two. That means everyone needs to vote and make sure they get other people who are likely to vote Biden to vote as well (don't encourage people to vote who might vote Trump, tell them he has it in the bag or whatever, who cares). Yeah polls can change by election time, but I see no reason to just feel like everything is going to be fine. There is nothing scientific about that. We can say polls are bad, but they're a better indicator than vibes or information from our polarized bubbles.

That entire last paragraph is baseless speculation based on how you feel since you are disregarding polls. And we all exist in an information bubble and cannot know how the country feels. Polls are our best guess at that. But again if you want to disregard the polls that's fine, just vote for Biden and act as though every vote counts (if you live in a swing state, I guess if you don't just do whatever you want).
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
ssjevot posted...
That's a bunch of speculation and your saying polling was way off in those elections when it wasn't. Everything fell within the margin of error on unbiased polls (obviously conservative propaganda polls don't count). Polls this election show a cointoss between the two.

They're also so far out from the actual election and even early elections that they're meaningless, and yet here you are justifying them.

ssjevot posted...
hat means everyone needs to vote and make sure they get other people who are likely to vote Biden to vote as well (don't encourage people to vote who might vote Trump, tell them he has it in the bag or whatever, who cares). Yeah polls can change by election time, but I see no reason to just feel like everything is going to be fine

No one is saying that, there's always the chance Trump win because this country's electorate fucking sucks and will seem to let a fascist promising nothing except dictatorship, retribution, and revenge, take the reins because their political ignorance does not let them know how serious the ramifications of this election actually are. I only take issue with the doomers who are saying these polls show Biden losing because I've seen the same people same the same shit every damn election year because usually (not saying you, personally) they want the Dem party to suffer defeat as punishment for "robbing" Sanders of the nomination, as they see it. Yes, the results can change dramatically, most people think Clinton would have won 2016 were it not for Comey 2 weeks before the election announcing he was reopening the investigation into her because of new emails which ultimately led to absolutely nothing.

ssjevot posted...
That entire last paragraph is baseless speculation based on how you feel since you are disregarding polls.

No, it's talking about how the media's predictions using polls to depress Dem enthusiasm didn't pan out. That's actual, historical observations I'm using, not theoretical and predictive assumptions, as people talking about assured Dem losses in all those election years, citing polls, did. Both historical trends and polling showed a far greater Republican victory in 2022 than was actualized. I don't know what it will take for people like you to realize that we are not in normal election times due to Trump, his extremism, and the loss of bodily autonomy rights putting us in a spot nobody's used to. Clearly it's not actual recent election results and feedback from those elections.

ssjevot posted...
And we all exist in an information bubble and cannot know how the country feels

Actually, I listen to various programs and one of those has actual state candidates, many of those who go on to win their elections in the recent elections I've been talking about, talk about what they hear when they knock on doors. Sometimes their campaign will knock on 100k doors during their election. So yeah, I'm obviously going to trust situations where I hear actual candidates actually talking to 100k real people over polling that samples a few thousand. This is not just speculation or my feels, I go off actual results and feedback from those putting in the work to become representatives and senators and what they have to say.

Never once said it's an assured thing, it's just asinine to use theoretical/predictive polling like this so far out to be so doom and gloom.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - allmylinks.com/ivorykingtx (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Sorozone posted...
Instead of using opinion polls, why not use actual poll data? Ya'know all the elections that have happened from 2020 til now, where the Democrats have been obliterating in almost every single race, but yeah keep clinging to polls.

Problem is NYT called all those cycles correctly. I don't see why they'd suddenly be far off wrong now.

Humble_Novice posted...

The question here is, whose alt? Because this topic seems like an attempt to induce fear and apathy to Biden voters.

Nonsensical takeaway. Raising the alarm on weaknesses is intended to inspire improvement. The point is to encourage people to do better.

I'm saying Biden needs to adjust his strategy to the fact that he's facing a difficult electorate. Obama switched strategies in 2012 and achieved great results. Why are you all allergic to the notion of candidate improvement now?

Like I don't get how you don't see the uselessness of posts like this. They win nobody over. Dismissing warnings and pretending you have nothing to work on isn't productive.

ssjevot posted...
So if we are to disregard polling data should we instead rely on vibes or what people in your bubble say?

Apparently so, and if you don't they'll try to smear you. Full child behavior.
~ DH ~
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Miss what the Current Events board used to be? Then come here to discuss it with us: https://discord.gg/ThGKk5UaK6
Kradek posted...
Actually, I listen to various programs and one of those has actual state candidates, many of those who go on to win their elections in the recent elections I've been talking about, talk about what they hear when they knock on doors. Sometimes their campaign will knock on 100k doors during their election. So yeah, I'm obviously going to trust situations where I hear actual candidates actually talking to 100k real people over polling that samples a few thousand. This is not just speculation or my feels, I go off actual results and feedback from those putting in the work to become representatives and senators and what they have to say.

This is actually a really bad source of information. I don't want to get into the details on how polling works and why that's actually a really bad substitute for it, but you need to realize no matter how good the media you consume might sound, it's still a bubble.

I live in Japan, the media here is overwhelmingly pro-Palestine as is the population (based on polls anyway, but I also only ever see pro-Palestine demonstrators). But I know Americans are the opposite (again according to the polls, but international polls now show America being basically the only first world country with a positive view of Israel). They have a different media bubble in America and it causes them to have a different outlook despite it being the exact same event. If you watched a bunch of right-wing crap on Fox News or similar you would have a different idea of how people feel than you get from the media you consume now. People are more segregated than ever, causing a far bigger dissonance between the bubble we are in and reality.
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
ssjevot posted...
I live in Japan, the media here is overwhelmingly pro-Palestine as is the population (based on polls anyway, but I also only ever see pro-Palestine demonstrators).
So long as they're not immigrating to Japan, that is. A number of Japanese citizens aren't quite happy with more refugees like the Kurds.
Miss what the Current Events board used to be? Then come here to discuss it with us: https://discord.gg/ThGKk5UaK6
ssjevot posted...
This is actually a really bad source of information. I don't want to get into the details on how polling works and why that's actually a really bad substitute for it, but you need to realize no matter how good the media you consume might sound, it's still a bubble.

It's not when their results demonstrate the polling predictions to be wrong. It shows that the overwhelmingly majority are not being accounted for in polling. I understand the scientific basis behind polling, however actual election results matter far more than theoretical/assumptive predictions and the results show that the polls often undersell Dem performance and the issues people care about.

ssjevot posted...

I live in Japan

I know, that's why I'm trying to better explain the actual on the ground situation to you as you're an outsider looking in and making assumptions. I'm trying to correct you on that as someone who you often correct for erroneous opinions & assumptions when it comes to Japan. You don't know what you're talking about when it comes to U.S. politics and I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to Japanese politics. This is how we help each other be better informed.

ssjevot posted...
But I know Americans are the opposite (again according to the polls, but international polls now show America being basically the only first world country with a positive view of Israel). They have a different media bubble in America and it causes them to have a different outlook despite it being the exact same event. If you watched a bunch of right-wing crap on Fox News or similar you would have a different idea of how people feel than you get from the media you consume now. People are more segregated than ever, causing a far bigger dissonance between the bubble we are in and reality.

Oh cool, now you're the one whose latter half is just speculation. I already know all of that, I know there's no hope for people who imbibe right-wing media, that's why I've been trying to stress that both our media and our polls predicting heavy Dem losses in nearly every election since 2018 have made them both look foolish with actual end results. We still have our media trying to shove that people don't actually care about the loss of their bodily autonomy rights and that people will vote out Dems cause of inflation/the economy, and yet feedback from candidates, as well as their state/specific race results, shows that to be either the #1 or 2 issue the common voters when asked cares about, even in red states.

That's why I'm using actual election results separate from either media bubble, and that of actual candidates talking to actual people, isn't this just what polling is? (Except you want to discount the source I'm using who talks to far more actual potential voters, of course).

Bottom line is that polling should not be used for clairvoyancy as putting legitimacy into clairvoyancy as asininity.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - allmylinks.com/ivorykingtx (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Also FYI I'm pretty sure the goal of conservatives churning out fake polls saying they're winning is to provide a platform for election denialism after they lose. "All the polls said I was winning but then tons of voters showed up out of nowhere for the Dems. Rigged!"

It's not to "instill fear and apathy" since that doesn't make sense, if your preferred candidate is losing that would push you to promote them harder, not less. If you're afraid you're not apathetic; voter turnout surged during the 2008 recession and the 2020 pandemic.

Humble_Novice posted...

This is the first legitimate challenge of the poll. There may be good points here. I'll have to read it.

Edit: Oh wait, this is from March, so it's about a completely different poll. I thought I was finally seeing a good argument. Oh well. :/
~ DH ~
Kradek posted...
It's not when their results demonstrate the polling predictions to be wrong. It shows that the overwhelmingly majority are not being accounted for in polling. I understand the scientific basis behind polling, however actual election results matter far more than theoretical/assumptive predictions and the results show that the polls often undersell Dem performance and the issues people care about.

Again. The actual polls, not the Republican propaganda polls, were not wrong about the election results. I don't know why you keep insisting that they were.

As for the rest. It's basically impossible not to be an information bubble today. I am not going to recommend you start reading Fox to understand how the Trumpers think, but you do need to be aware these people are not reading, watching, or interacting with the same people you are. Which is why I only see Palestinians suffering on the news, whereas you clearly have something else going on in America because you still overwhelmingly support Israel. We are consuming different information.


Just adding that in, because you really need to reevaluate this whole polls were wrong thing you are saying.
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
ssjevot posted...
Again. The actual polls, not the Republican propaganda polls, were not wrong about the election results. I don't know why you keep insisting that they were.

Media uses polls to push a narrative and that narrative shows itself to be wrong. While it may have been within the error of margin, the error of margin has heavily favored Dems for the last 6 years.

ssjevot posted...
As for the rest. It's basically impossible not to be an information bubble today. I am not going to recommend you start reading Fox to understand how the Trumpers think, but you do need to be aware these people are not reading, watching, or interacting with the same people you are.

I understand how they think because I hear analyses of how they think and hear real people call in supporting Trump/right-wing views. Understanding how they think doesn't mean they hold any legitimacy or validity. That's still just a portion of our electorate, a portion which has regularly lost elections for the last 6 years minus 5 freak elections for House seats in NY where we saw someone such as George Santos win a seat in a district which has now been reclaimed by the former seat holder.

ssjevot posted...
Which is why I only see Palestinians suffering on the news, whereas you clearly have something else going on in America because you still overwhelmingly support Israel. We are consuming different information.

Our media definitely paints a different picture of what's happening in Palestine/their support of it (though they are surprisingly honest about it, at times (not the protests, but the destruction happening in Gaza)). I'm honestly jealous of Japan being one of the most Pro-Palestinian countries in the world. I wish America's government had more integrity and would stop supporting the war crimes of Israel and its terrorist actions. Biden has finally started withholding offensive aide (which Republicans who have denied aide for Ukraine for the last 8 months are now talking about impeaching him over), however we now have Republicans such as Graham openly advocating for the nuking of Gaza by Israel (as if they'd be so stupid as to nuke a country on their doorstep) and I can only hope that statements like that and Trump saying pro-Palestinian protestors should be deported would wake the younger generation and general electorate willing to forsake Biden over his handling of the situation the fuck up, because no matter how bad they think it is now it will absolutely be far worse under Trump.

Once again, I don't respect the U.S. general electorate and their information level when it comes to politics as they actually usually vote based off feels over reals. That's why I'm using the actual past election results for the last 6 years to put more faith in future elections then my naturally instincts afford me. There's still 6 months to go, a lot can happen until the actual election.

ssjevot posted...

Just adding that in, because you really need to reevaluate this whole polls were wrong thing you are saying.

Oh, cool, 538. The site operated by Nate Silver who said "Yeah I know the GOP are stacking polling results with polls they funded, that's cool though because Dems can do that, too". I believe that was even in regards to 2022, if I'm not mistaken.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - allmylinks.com/ivorykingtx (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
It's interesting how we have anti-intellectualism on every end of the spectrum now.

Trump dragged us into the gutter.
~ DH ~
noisetank posted...
polls lmao

Diceheist posted...
Edit: Oh wait, this is from March, so it's about a completely different poll.

from the same NYT clowns using the same polling techniques.

please get it already: polls right now are worthless, especially from the NYT.
PSN: ArsenalGear, NNID: CrimsonG80, XB GT: CrimsonG80
Last game(s) finished: Gears of War 3 (X360), Robocop: Rogue City (PS5)
Why aren't any of these polls translating into GOP success in these special elections? They've been consistently getting crushed/ losing
RTX 3070, Ryzen 7 5700x,16GB DDR4, 700WGold PSU
Switch FC: SW-3966-2111-8902, Proud Steam Deck Owner
Diceheist posted...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who won an average of 10 percent of the vote across the six states and drew roughly equally from the two major-party candidates.
My sister's dog bit a hole in my Super Mario Land cartridge. It still works though - Skye Reynolds
3DS FC: 3239-5612-0115
Heineken14 posted...
It's obviously not that much of a deal breaker if people are fine with it being worse.

Yeah, dont get why idiots want the orange idiot, who said he would help Israel finish it, to win.
The Official Odin of the Shin Megami Tensei IV board.
"You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me."
Humble_Novice posted...
The question here is, whose alt? Because this topic seems like an attempt to induce fear and apathy to Biden voters.

I wouldn't waste precious braincells trying to figure out who TC is. He was JAQ'ing off in a controversial topic the other day, is now posting doomer polls and bending over backwards to proclaim their legitimacy with a faux air of being calm and collected, and finally started into both-sides'ing in his last couple of posts; he's completely interchangeable with the dozen or so 'enlightened centrists' who believe their schtick to be non-transparent.
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
Humble_Novice posted...
The question here is, whose alt? Because this topic seems like an attempt to induce fear and apathy to Biden voters.

How is this going to induce apathy? If anything it will get ppl to fight harder for Biden and not think that it is the bag. Like ppl did with Hillary.
Biden is the greatest President ever.
cjsdowg posted...
How is this going to induce apathy? If anything it will get ppl to fight harder for Biden and not think that it is the bag. Like ppl did with Hillary.

There's a fine line between motivational fear / anger and hopelessness. It's a doomer's goal to give you a long series of gentle nudges into the latter.
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
people really still paying attention to polls in 2024 lol
Pierre Dorion was finally fired
Diceheist posted...
It's interesting how we have anti-intellectualism on every end of the spectrum now.

Trump dragged us into the gutter.
Ah yes people taking polls with a grain of salt is definitely equal to the side who thinks doctors want to kill them with evil vaccines
Hee Ho
luigi33 posted...
Why aren't any of these polls translating into GOP success in these special elections? They've been consistently getting crushed/ losing

NYT's polls predicted that the Republicans who lost those special elections were going to lose. In regards to the discrepancy between that and the general election polling they concluded that Biden might just be weaker than generic lesser known Democrats:


The polling of the race raises another possibility: that Mr. Biden is just that much weaker than Mr. Suozzi. Last week, a Siena College poll not a New York Times/Siena poll, to be clear found Mr. Biden running a full nine percentage points behind Mr. Suozzi and trailing Donald J. Trump in the district.

Under Obama it was the reverse: Republicans kept winning local elections, fueled by Tea Party energy, but got spanked in the general regardless. Romney was saying all the same stuff Biden people are saying now, skewed polls, silent majority, nation trending towards his party faster than analysts could predict out of a rejection of his opponent. But it didn't matter, since Obama was more popular than random Democrats.

So the theory that based on polling Biden is now weaker than random Democrats (or, worse: Trump is stronger than random Republicans) isn't impossible. Different candidates and electorates means potentially different results.

CrimsonGear80 posted...
from the same NYT clowns using the same polling techniques.

please get it already: polls right now are worthless, especially from the NYT.

I'm sure they read that article, though. It's possible they fixed the biases pointed out. I'd have to analyze the newer poll (or, better, find someone actually equipped to do so's analysis) to be sure.

Anyway, based on elections up to Feb. 2024, NYT/Siena is the highest ranked pollster for real election results in the country:


People just declaring them wrong because of perceived errors may be true, but has yet to be proven beyond doubt.
~ DH ~
Who's alt is TC
http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/5517/cateyes.gif Rams: 7-9
One, I have no interest in Biden losing or Trump winning to prove some point about Bernie. That's absolute nonsense and not the lesson anyone would take from such an event.

Second, y'all better hope you're right because if you're not, you're going to be directly responsible for dismissing obvious warning signs. I recognize the danger we're all facing here and that's why I'd rather be safe than sorry.
I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
Dat_Cracka_Jax posted...
Who's alt is TC

I think you're hurting yourself, 'cause you hurt me
No matter what anyone tells you, North Carolina isn't a purple state. I hate this place. The only reason we have a Democrat as governor was because of the absolutely horrible PR move of introducing the bathroom bill.

But the climate is entirely different now from then. We're getting legislation introduced to BAN face masks. People would be praising the bathroom bill if (or rather when) it gets introduced again.

The people of this state are wackos. If them voting for Trump in 2020 wasn't already an indication of such.

legendary_zell posted...
One, I have no interest in Biden losing or Trump winning to prove some point about Bernie. That's absolute nonsense and not the lesson anyone would take from such an event.

Second, y'all better hope you're right because if you're not, you're going to be directly responsible for dismissing obvious warning signs. I recognize the danger we're all facing here and that's why I'd rather be safe than sorry.
What are you doing in the face of this danger you see from these polls
Hee Ho
My theory is that Biden specifically has unique vulnerabilities and Trump has unique strengths.

The general Republican reputation is garbage thanks to Trump and getting rid of Roe. Everyone other than Trump himself is dragged down by it since they're less well known, don't have a cult or reality distortion field, and aren't running against the person in the Whitehouse.

Biden is being saddled with every negative thing that happens during his presidency, whether it's his fault or not. He's the main target of conservative media. He has the age issue. He's the current focus of anger from every wing of politics.

Meanwhile, Trump has a cult, conservative media, a reality distortion field, incredibly low expectations, 100 percent name recognition, and is not currently the President which allows people to delude themselves into thinking he'd represent a positive change. He also sells an idea of subjugating cultural enemies and restoring strength to the people susceptible to that scam.

The Presidential electorate is also different than special elections or even Congressional ones. More and different types of people vote. Trump got a record amount of votes in 2020 and more than 2016.

People have short memories. They have a hard time accurately assigning blame. Some have legitimate grievances. Some are fascists.

All of this is enough to explain why we shouldn't just dismiss polls.
I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden are essentially tied among 18-to-29-year-olds and Hispanic voters, even though each group gave Mr. Biden more than 60 percent of their vote in 2020. Mr. Trump also wins more than 20 percent of Black voters a tally that would be the highest level of Black support for any Republican presidential candidate since the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

A) No poll showing that there is a "tie" with 18-29 year olds should ever be believed, in virtually any election. Doesn't happen.
B) No Donald Dumbass doesn't have that level of hispanic support
C) No Donald Dumbass doesn't have that level of black support.

B and C are explained by bad A data
Last night I was lying in bed, staring at the stars, and I wondered... Where the **** is my roof?
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
What are you doing in the face of this danger you see from these polls

Irl, I'm doing what I can to push Biden to take more popular stances. I'm also trying to organize people to fight for democracy, which right now means voting for Biden, at least in swing states.
I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
legendary_zell posted...
The Presidential electorate is also different than special elections or even Congressional ones.

Something also to remember that people forget, in those special elections and midterms the maga candidates overall performed worse than the standard republican candidates.

So if people associated you with trump you did worse than the republicans who kept their distance from trump.
"The soul in the darkness sins, but the real sinner is he who caused the darkness." - Victor Hugo
Trumpers: "Popular vote doesn't matter!"
Also Trumpers: "Trump is leading Biden in the polls!"
Insert some witty line here
Diceheist posted...
That's worrying. If the campaign doesn't accept the polling is weak to begin with then they won't make any adjustments to counteract it.

It's really weird. Obama took his shaky polls seriously and reinvigorated his campaign, going from calm and wise to energetic and snappy, flipping the numbers and beating Romney. Romney, Hillary, Trump, and now Biden's campaigns however seem unable to comprehend data that doesn't say they're winning. "It's impossible that key electorates like that guy, our country's better than that" vibes.

People call Obama a generational politician but maybe he actually stood out for being the only competent one. lol
I would point out that less than an hour ago Biden challenged Trump for both him and their vps (lol) to debate. So like we said the hand wringing is unwarranted.

Joe Biden has run a few campaigns. He knows what to do and more importantly when to do it.
Moustache twirling villain
https://i.imgur.com/U3lt3H4.jpg- Kerbey
divot1338 posted...
I would point out that less than an hour ago Biden challenged Trump for both him and their vps (lol) to debate. So like we said the hand wringing is unwarranted.

Joe Biden has run a few campaigns. He knows what to do and more importantly when to do it.
Oohh, that's interesting
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
Current Events » NYT poll: Biden leads in 1 swing state, Trump leads in the other 5.
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