Completed SoTN. What Castlevania game should I play next?

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AvlButtslam posted...
I cant get into the classic Castlevanias at all. If you dont already have it, the Advance collection has Circle of the Moon, Harmony of Dissonance, and Aria of Sorrow bundled together. AoS is considered one of the best; the other two I think get a bad rep but I liked them too despite some flaws.
I have both of the collections. Aria seems to be regarded as the best in the Advance collection, but which game is the best for the Anniversary collection?

Link_of_time posted...
Either take the path backwards and try Rondo or Super CV4, or venture forth to Aria. Prepare to backtrack, as every game after SotN copies that formula.

Fenriswolf posted...
Move to the GBA then DS games, although you can safely skip Circle of the Moon and Harmony of Dissonance. The former is the most difficult out of all of the Metroidvanias and has some really frustrating features like poor jump physics and lack of save points. The latter is closer to SOTN and has similar exploration mechanics, but has some really washed out graphics and poor music, and is rather easy.

Is it worth playing the GBA/DS games, then going back and playing the much older games?

Also, why is SoTN/Rondo of Blood still exclusive to the PS?
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