Boy, 10, kills himself after bullying. Classmates mocked his glasses and teeth

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Current Events » Boy, 10, kills himself after bullying. Classmates mocked his glasses and teeth
Holy fuck, that hits close to home. I went to that same school when I was a kid. And bullying was a huge problem there then too, same issues and all... teachers and staff all turned a blind eye. I don't know how many teachers are there now that were there then, but fuck that school.
There's a time and place for everything... but not now.
boomgetchopped3 posted...
As a parent I worry a lot about bullying. My son is just a toddler but Im already thinking about how I should handle it. Im considering just banning social media usage for a while.

One of my nephews is 7 and just the sweetest boy, but he has a speech impediment. He works with a pathologist, and it's definitely helping, but I'm terrified for him. Kids are mean.
Cookin like a chef, I'm a 5 Star Michelin
ForsakenHermit posted...
Bullies need to be dealt with harshly. You can't just hug them tight enough and hope they'll turn over a new leaf.
Because hugging and throwing them against a wall are your only choices.

Seriously, you want adult rent-a-cop types in schools roughing up kids? Take a minute to think about how that will be abused, and the problems it will create.

You need a cure that isn't worse than the disease.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
Post #54 was unavailable or deleted.
0K_Then posted...
no im not lmao, i referenced only one but there is a lot of corruption within the system

like. did you NOT know that??
Ergo teachers don't deserve raises.

According to your dumbass non-sequitor.
Post #56 was unavailable or deleted.
Youre taking it on most teachers, cause of the actions of a few?

If we do it for cops, we should do it for teachers. Need to keep that consistency.
shockthemonkey posted...
lmfao this is the dumbest meltdown Ive ever heard
theres still people here who call statements they dont agree with which exceed 3 sentences on a message-board website meltdowns these days? i honestly figured that died out once people started using it to simply describe statements they dont agree with which exceed 3 sentences on this particular message-board website
Post #59 was unavailable or deleted.
ai123 posted...
Because hugging and throwing them against a wall are your only choices.

Seriously, you want adult rent-a-cop types in schools roughing up kids? Take a minute to think about how that will be abused, and the problems it will create.

You need a cure that isn't worse than the disease.
Detention does not work
Suspending them does not work
Expelling them for the year does not work
Community service does not work

The only other options are to send bullies to juvie for extended periods of time or throw them in foster care and I think those can be a bit too harshfor regular bullying. Bullies need someone bigger and stronger to make them feel powerless or else they'll walk all over you. Speaking from experience here.
Beware the fanatic! Too often his cure is deadlier by far than the evil he denounces!-Stan Lee RIP
Make Arcades Great Again!
No, we call it a meltdown when someone says something stupid and gets pissy for being told that it was a stupid statement.
This is awful.
The succotash is suffering.
Asherlee10 posted...
Dude, fuck off
you guys are acting weird & angry af toward this throwaway comment i made which is only intended to be critical of all the shit teachers out there who exploit the few good ones to get raises at their jobs where they underperform in more & more w/ each passing decade. as if i said that believing teachers should be paid like dirt lmfao yall are always so eager to fling your own shit in order to virtue-signal at others

fr, learn to interact w/ others instead of going immediately hostile ffs. no wonder ppl hate this board
That's so fucking heartbreaking.
Post #65 was unavailable or deleted.
0K_Then posted...
you guys are acting weird & angry af toward this throwaway comment i made which is only intended to be critical of all the shit teachers out there who exploit the few good ones to get raises at their jobs where they underperform in more & more w/ each passing decade. as if i said that believing teachers should be paid like dirt lmfao yall are always so eager to fling your own shit in order to virtue-signal at others

fr, learn to interact w/ others instead of going immediately hostile ffs. no wonder ppl hate this board

My guy, you said some stupid bullshit and are freaking out over getting called out on it, chill.
0K_Then posted...
so eager to fling your own shit
Says the guy who flung his shit at teachers out of nowhere.
ForsakenHermit posted...
Detention does not work
Suspending them does not work
Expelling them for the year does not work
Community service does not work

The only other options are to send bullies to juvie for extended periods of time or throw them in foster care and I think those can be a bit too harshfor regular bullying. Bullies need someone bigger and stronger to make them feel powerless or else they'll walk over you. Speaking from experience here.
What you are calling for is the very definition of bullying: physical threats and intimidation to make one feel powerless.

What makes you think that will work anyway? All the bully does is wait until one of these child-beating rent-a-cops isn't around.

That aside, it is simply not practical to have adults roughing up kids. Who would you even want doing that job? It will lead to more and more violence and abuse, not to mention the lawsuits.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
Murphiroth posted...
My guy, you said some stupid bullshit and are freaking out over getting called out on it, chill.
freaking out jesus christ the gaslighting lmfao, yall should apply at this school in the story
I see chilling is off the table, then.
i apologize for reacting a tad negative in response to news about a 10 y/o boy committing suicide recently

silly, shameful ol me
Post #72 was unavailable or deleted.
That's not why you're throwing a shitfit ITT currently but you do you, my guy.
0K_Then posted...
you guys are acting weird & angry af toward this throwaway comment i made which is only intended to be critical of all the shit teachers out there who exploit the few good ones to get raises at their jobs where they underperform in more & more w/ each passing decade. as if i said that believing teachers should be paid like dirt lmfao yall are always so eager to fling your own shit in order to virtue-signal at others

fr, learn to interact w/ others instead of going immediately hostile ffs. no wonder ppl hate this board
Look I know what it's like to be dogpiled on by posters acting in bad faith as well as anyone on here. There's an argument to be made about bad teachers slipping through the cracks and getting tenure when they should be handed a pink slip. Making snarky comments about teacher salaries doesn't really help the discussion. If you want to argue that tenure should be forfeit in cases like this that would be one thing but jabs about teachers not getting money because the system sucks rancid milk chunks isn't helping.
Beware the fanatic! Too often his cure is deadlier by far than the evil he denounces!-Stan Lee RIP
Make Arcades Great Again!
0K_Then posted...
i apologize for reacting a tad negative in response to news about a 10 y/o boy committing suicide recently

silly, shameful ol me
Going all pass-agg is the classic way to cap a meltdown.

Well done, you.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
Yeah I despise bullies. And that kid looks normal AF. No reason to bully him because he has glasses.
Your human level has changed to GOD.
0K_Then posted...
i apologize for reacting a tad negative in response to news about a 10 y/o boy committing suicide recently

silly, shameful ol me
"I apologize for using the death of a child to fling shit at teachers for no reason."
Post #78 was unavailable or deleted.
ForsakenHermit posted...
Look I know what it's like to be dogpiled on by posters acting in bad faith as well as anyone on here. There's an argument to be made about bad teachers slipping through the cracks and getting tenure when they should be handed a pink slip. Making snarky comments about teacher salaries doesn't really help the discussion. If you want to argue that tenure should be forfeit in cases like this that would be one thing but jabs about teachers not getting money because the system sucks rancid milk chunks isn't helping.
but at the end of the day it was a salty joke made out of frustration. it LITERALLY was not that deep, nor even at all serious (hence it being its own separate post which provides excellent out-of-context quoting for teh tr0llz of course)

but i appreciate an actual thoughtful critique of my comment other than being told fUcK oFf 3 separate times by some REAL tough cookies who dont take no guff from nobody, and/or gaslighting weirdos who respond w/ hostility & respond w/ the classic u mad bro? where they falsely project anger in others doing nothing more than providing elaboration as to what you meant & try to spin this topic into some drama circus bs

0K_Then posted...
nor even at all serious
"I'm just desperately flailing because you fell for my joke!"
Schools: Well that's sad, oh well back to business.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
ai123 posted...
Going all pass-agg is the classic way to cap a meltdown.

Well done, you.
that hasnt been any of you guys at all whatsoever
0K_Then posted...
that hasnt been any of you guys at all whatsoever
"no u"
Post #84 was unavailable or deleted.
ai123 posted...
What you are calling for is the very definition of bullying: physical threats and intimidation to make one feel powerless.

What makes you think that will work anyway? All the bully does is wait until one of these child-beating rent-a-cops isn't around.

That aside, it is simply not practical to have adults roughing up kids. Who would you even want doing that job? It will lead to more and more violence and abuse, not to mention the lawsuits.
Sometimes the only way to correct bad behavior is to turn the tables and give bad actors a taste of their own medicine. Bullies should not be treated better than their victims or else they are going to see the system as endorsing their cruelty. It happened to me in middle school. If you think ratting on them helps it doesn't. The problem of waiting for adults to turn their backs is far far more amplified from snitching than it ever could be from simply being checked into a wall or restrained. If a kid gets violent with another kid an adult should restrain them and if they get a little roughed up in the process they brought it on themselves. You can't just sit back and watch kids beat on other kids and not restrain them. That opens up lawsuits more tenfold than what I am proposing.

It's easy to critique, but I don't see you proposing any solutions.
Beware the fanatic! Too often his cure is deadlier by far than the evil he denounces!-Stan Lee RIP
Make Arcades Great Again!
DrizztLink posted...
"I'm just desperately flailing because you fell for my joke!"
you elaborated in response to my false accusations/projections LOL that means i now win! *EpicTrollFace.jpeg*
Post #87 was unavailable or deleted.
Good attempt, but you're still getting shit on for your own words.

The Uno reversal just won't work, unfortunately.
Really playing all of the classic alt meltdown hits today

  • Say something dumb
  • Get mad when people point out it's dumb
  • Repeated explanations of how you're totally not mad, everyone else is
  • Whining about CE in general
We should have bingo cards for these.
Post #90 was unavailable or deleted.
you guys seem to love giving me attention more than i have been enjoying typing this bullshit rather than booting-up Prodeus like ive been trying to do for the past 30 mins

away good game, i lose you win, im glad we cleared everything up

k bai
0K_Then posted...
you guys seem to love giving me more attention than i have been enjoying typing this bullshit rather than booting-up Prodeus like ive been trying to do for the past 30 mins

away good game, i lose you win, im glad we cleared everything up

Oh shit we got the classic run away, I got a bingo!
There is a good chance not only will the bullies not feel any remorse for their actions but in 20-30 years, they will become politicians and will use this to strengthen their ideals.

Its so fucked.
"Do you like Scary movies?"
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Post #95 was unavailable or deleted.
I hope those bullies and their families are haunted the rest of the their lives.
PotD's resident Film Expert.
CyborgSage00x0 posted...
I hope those bullies and their families are haunted the rest of the their lives.

I guess it depends on if they're sociopaths or not.

In the 4th grade I was playing a game with a girl at lunch to see if we could throw a nickel in the other's mouth. I threw one on hers and she started gagging and swallowed it, then had to go to the hospital. The teacher told me in front of the class later I better hope she's ok.

Anyway I still feel guilty about that and she lived.
This is where cool people write stuff.
Murphiroth posted...
Oh shit we got the classic run away, I got a bingo!
let the record show this guy got the last word in, therefore making him the special winner of this brave dramatic battle

and thus, on behalf of teachers across the U.S.: thank you for being such a stunning sharp-witted warrior for us all (w/ a bit of cool entertaining tude & TOTALLY NOT FORCED mic-drop moments present throughout which also provides very neat charisma to boot)

you are very cool & smart, and you are winner. enjoy the spoils, brother
Very normal response, we're proud of you.
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Current Events » Boy, 10, kills himself after bullying. Classmates mocked his glasses and teeth
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